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Thread: Creeker interview: Lou Sansone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Plano, TX

    Creeker interview: Lou Sansone

    1. Name (and nick names)

    Louis Sansone

    2. Age/DOB

    48 years old 1957

    3. Location (present and previous):

    Sterling CT

    4. Tell us about your family:

    Married with 2 adult children - ages 24 and 31

    5. How do you earn a living, woodworking or other, any interesting previous occupations.

    I work as an engineer / scientist doing military R & D . spent many years working directly for the military and became a civilian "Navy Diver" where I continued my engineering work for the Navy

    6. Equipment overview (hand tools and other):

    Lots of industrial tools and the usual assortment of hand tools

    7. Describe your shop:

    Here's links to the shop tour I posted earlier.

    8. Tell us about the hand planes you own, and your favorite one(s) to use:

    Really like the Stanley # 90 ? rabbit plane

    9. You favorite chisels:

    Pfeil carving tools ..Lots of them in my shop

    10. Your favorite handsaw(s):

    Japanese dovetail saw

    11. Do you use western tools or Japanese, why do you prefer the ones you use:

    Like the pull type saws from japan, the rest are western style

    12. Do you have a woodworking home page:


    13. Do you have any influences in your work? Certain styles or designers you follow/prefer:

    Like 18th century American style

    14. Do you have any ancestors who were woodworkers that served as inspiration?


    15. What is your favorite neander project, or part of a project, you have ever done and why:

    My shop is all post and beam and all the mortices and tennons were cut by hand, as were all the pegs done with a spoke shave

    16. Do you believe there is any spiritual dimension to woodworking with hand tools:

    Not specifically with hand tools, but I do believe that all humans were made in the image of God. The Bible tells us that God is "spirit" John 4:24, and therefore on component of being human and being made in the image of God, is spiritual.

    17. How much of your work is done by hand tools. Do you use whatever is best for the job or do you use hand tools even when they are less efficient:

    I use hand tools when it makes sense and power tools when they make more sence.

    18. What is your single most favorite tool, and why.

    I really like my 37" timesaves wide belt sander. It allows the easy processing of figured woods and thin woods.
    The means by which an end is reached must exemplify the value of the end itself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Plano, TX
    Lou, nice to read about you.

    After an extended vacation from SMC I'm back, hopefully more interviews will follow soon (now if only I can get Rob Lee to do one as well).
    The means by which an end is reached must exemplify the value of the end itself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Nice to know more about you Lou!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    KC, MO
    Good info Lou!! Thanks for all the help you've been on SMC!

    I'll go out on a limb and say you've got one of the best shops around !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Grand Marais, MN. A transplant from Minneapolis
    We need a good Avatar to go with the shop Lou.
    Glad to have you on board.
    Live Like You Mean It.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    N Illinois
    Nice interview. Love your shop and That GREAT Bandsaw. Like the way you built post and beam in your buildings. With envy....

  7. Lou,
    Nice interview. I looked at the exterior photos of your shop, and I’m very impressed. Not only is it functional, but quite beautiful, especially in the snow (I’m a sucker for winter photos). The chimney was my favorite part.
    Rob Millard

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