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Thread: Trotec Speedy 360 Tube Replacement Question

  1. #1

    Trotec Speedy 360 Tube Replacement Question

    Hi all,
    I have some questions regarding replacing my Trotec Speedy 360 laser tube and hope someone with past experience can share some advice.

    1. Is it easy to install? Are there any videos that can guide me through the process? I tried looking for them but couldn’t find any.
    2. Do I need to realign the laser after the tube replacement?
    3. Is there anything I need to do after the tube is installed?
    4. What should I look out for while removing/installing the tube?

    Thank you all in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    A few years ago Trotec replaced my 80 watt tube in my Speedy 300 with a re-built one.
    They sent me directions on how to replace the tube and yes it did require me to check and align the mirrors.
    It's a piece of cake, took me a couple of hours including a bit of cleaning time.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply.

    I saw the instructions for realignment and it looks complicated or at least it appears complicated. I will take a look at it again and see if I can do it. Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    I felt the same as you do when I got the rebuilt tube in my shop and read the directions. I waited until the next morning and just worked the job step by step and it wasn't to bad. You can always get a tech on the phone to walk you though the procedure if you decide you need that level of assistance. A facetime call, if they will do it, would almost be like having the tech in your shop.

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