My wife and I have two phones. We are on unlimited service, seems very expensive, but is the going rate. We have 4 year old S10E phones. She plays games and I use it for texting, directions/traffic and music in the car and home using blue tooth and u tube music my library.
Verizon is reducing our discount for auto pay by $5 next month. Guy at the store is telling me we can go to a newer welcome plan, same unlimited data features for $20 less per month. This part confuses me. If they can give it to me cheaper why raise my auto pay cost? We need to upgrade to S24 phone for $15 per phone total one time charge OK. $35 per line $70 to set up the "new " service, new service? Then he wants $40/phone to transfer data from the phone. Using smart switch I can probably do this and save the $80.
My ? what is Verizon getting out of lowering my cost? Has to be a reason they are pushing people to do this?