I went to a garage sale yesterday where a life long woodworker had died. I don't know the circumstances but he had a boatload of tools and materials squirreled away in his garage and basement. His Daughter and SIL were faced with liquidating hundreds of items they knew little about in terms of function and worth. The quantity of tools was amazing.
That got me thinking about my mortality. I'm in reasonable good health but playing firmly in the 4th quarter. I retire at the end of the year and plan on being on the sunny side of the sod for a while yet. That said, things happen. I'd hate to think my bride or Daughter (or both) would be saddled with selling/donating all my tools and equipment.
Any creekers out there facing the same dilemma? I'm doing my best to keep the tool count manageable, but it adds up. Maybe create a tool catalog to aid in the process? Maybe sell off all but a basic weekend kit? Maybe draw a line in the sand and get rid of it all when I can't physically do it anymore but still have my wits about me? Maybe leave it to a local woodworking club to sell off as a fundraiser after my demise?