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Thread: Outdoor wire wheel station

  1. #1

    Outdoor wire wheel station

    This was passed on to me by a client closing down his shop- it belonged to his father in turn. The arbor and motor were on one piece of plywood. That became the top, & the motor was mounted below. The shelf was positioned to use a belt that was on hand. The rubber feet are from a large sewer pipe coupling, fastened with bronze nails. The coarse and fine wheels have better access than the bench grinder mounted one in the shop, and the rust and crud will not accumulate there. It's under an eave & will get a rain cover.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA
    Rain cover= storage tub from target, turned upside down.
    BilL D

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Columbia MO & Grafton NH
    Blog Entries
    That is excellent and outdoors is a great place for it. That old pillow block and shaft is a dandy. Does it have any markings that indicate a brand?

    Here is a visual of what the yuck that comes off of the wheels will do. A grinder sits in this spot too and I have ruined my window by spraying it with sparks (Doh!).

  5. #5
    A great example of why you want grinders and power wire brushes outside of your wood shop!

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