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Thread: Router bit box #2

  1. #1

    Router bit box #2

    #1 has been in service since around 1990, and there has been a plastic storage box with the overflow for a while.
    Make to stack in the shelf slot. It will get a second coat of shellac. Drilling holes slightly over 1/2" is not simple.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Central Arkansas
    13mm drill bit works well. 0.5118

  3. #3
    Those are cool boxes and a nice organizing idea.

    I do what Bill mentioned & use 13mm.
    However if you need an additional .003"; 33/64" bit is.5156"

    On the cheap side, I've also found that sometimes paddle bits drill oversize enough.
    Especially if they are a little off-center of the shank; and then held up short and tight in the chuck so they can't follow their own point.
    Might also need to shorten the point so it does not poke through.
    And of course saying that will jinx things so the next few are undersize.

  4. #4
    Yes, a 13mm or 33/64" bit would be good, but would require a trip to likely more than one store, or ordering/shipping.

    I used the 1/2" roll pin made into a broken screw extractor (brilliantly suggested by someone here I think) to enlarge the 1/2" hole slightly.

  5. #5
    I drill holes in pine shelving. After they are all drilled on the press then I just go back into each hole with the same bit on a cordless and its usually enough extra clearance.

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