I’m making a small box (12 x 6 x 6) as an urn. My original plan was to resaw so I could wrap the grain around the box. However, my bandsaw wouldn’t handle the resaw cut (plus it’s a piece of crap and I’m not experienced at resawing) so I resawed on the table saw. That worked out ok except it just removed too much material, which I knew was a concern. It’s maple with dark streaks and the streaks not lining up is too noticeable. I’m thinking about ways to interrupt the corners so to speak using a contrasting wood to mask the lining up issue but still allow for a sense of flow around the outside. I thought about a corner block with a floating tenon on each side of the corner but I don’t know if that would be ok with wood movement. I also considered just joining the corners with rabbets but covering the joints with an essentially corner molding but I’m not crazy about that idea. And I’m hoping not to stay from scratch as I’m on a bit of a schedule on this.
Does anyone have any thoughts? Or even follow my limited descriptive skills and have an idea what I’m trying to ask?