The worst thing about a hurricane is the waiting.* Debby isn't a big deal, as hurricanes go. I'm not even sure if she's made it past Tropical Storm yet although it's supposed to be a hurricane by the time it hits the coast, about 30 miles South of our house. When we lived in Seattle we didn't have hurricanes. We had earthquakes. No preamble, no incessant TV news interruptions with the latest. No scrolling lists of all the places that will be closed tomorrow. Just some shake, rattle, roll and it's over with, hopefully, no damage.
Wife just texted the kids to say we're fine, we'll be fine, we probably won't be able to talk to you tomorrow but really, we'll be fine. We'll let you know when we can.
The National Hurricane Center is pretty good about putting out the facts without the drama ( TV is not. It looks like the eye will pass 20-30 miles from us but winds will already be dropping. That will be mid-day Monday. The last time a hurricane passed this close it was the middle of the night and we slept through it (it was fading fast). Not everyone gets off so easily, especially further South, but this is not worrisome, just annoying.
It's not making landfall along the peninsula, like Tampa, but it looks like it's already wet and windy down there. I hope they're doing OK.
Generator is ready, car is parked right where the top of a tree fell the last time we had a big wind so I figure it can't happen twice, loose stuff picked up outside, new storage shed anchored down. This is a PITA.
* Re-reading this - I know there are a lot worse things than the waiting for many people, and if that is the worst we see from Debby, I should be thankful. Some people will probably do much worse. I get that and I regret the suffering even a small hurricane can bring. This is still a PITA.