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Thread: Are forums decreasing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    odessa, missouri
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    Are forums decreasing?

    This one is pretty good, but others are thin skinned or have bad moderation. Seems if they watch it or read about it, they are experts.

    Has it changed that much that? I show pictures of a build and how it is done for questions and yet others don’t. Am I wasting time now a days…

  2. #2
    Since retiring seven years ago, I seldom get any shop time. Too many repairs and fixing to be done on the home place, and rental house. Each day, my to do list gets bigger than my to done list. Spent a couple days this week (unscheduled) working on daughter's car, which boots my list down the road.

  3. #3
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    I think traffic slows down in the summer months as there are more things to do. The one other forum I frequent has slowed tremendously since the site change software. The new software takes a bit of time to figure out.
    Lee Schierer
    USNA '71
    Go Navy!

    My advice, comments and suggestions are free, but it costs money to run the site. If you found something of value here please give a little something back by becoming a contributor! Please Contribute

  4. #4
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    The old pueblo in el norte.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Schierer View Post
    I think traffic slows down in the summer months as there are more things to do. The one other forum I frequent has slowed tremendously since the site change software. The new software takes a bit of time to figure out.
    Well, it'd been some months since Jack had been around. I'm guessing it's the more boring season.

    happy in my mud hut

  5. #5
    There were 3 forums I frequented. One for fishing and 2 for woodworking. This is the only one viable now.

    I think perhaps older folks still use them but it seems my adult kids don't use the internet for forum use.

    My thoughts.

  6. #6
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    I've been visiting SMC daily almost since the start, with only a day missed here or there. Ten years ago, I would open it to three whole pages of new posts every day. Now, it's just under a page and a half of new posts each morning. There used to be get-togethers in several locations around the country annually--and not just Creekers--but those are few and far between now. I can't say I've even heard of one in quite some time, and haven't been to one in well over 15 years.

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  7. #7
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    Stronger forums are likely doing ok, but there is a "yuge" amount of competition from social media, although IMHO, that's best for "quick fixes" because searching is difficult and so forth. Many online forums are also likely facing the same challenges that SMC has with funding to pay the bills...there is no free lunch...and they have not been as successful at solving the problem or have sold out to big "forum shops" like Vertical Scope that runs hundreds of forums on the same platform and can take advantage of cross forum advertising revenue, etc.

    I like the way SMC is, even though I pine for some software things...and that's why I've been here since not long after it came to be in 2003.

    One other point..."woodworking". It's a generally aging audience unfortunately, because the whole hobby/activity world has changed over time. That makes it hard to support a lot of forum sites that offer similar things. Hence, the attrition.
    Last edited by Jim Becker; 08-03-2024 at 9:01 AM.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  8. #8
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    I joined SMC, following another woodworker here from a poorly moderated manufacturers forum. I don't put up or deal well with bullies even if I am a student. I hang out here to learn and vent as I learn. I post on FB because my family is scattered as far east as southern Indiana, as far south as Dallas, as far west as Hawaii and as far north as Whidby Island, WA and everywhere in between. It's a place for connecting with family and friends. I don't do politics at any site as a result of losing a friend over politics.

    This is the first summer in 7 years we haven't hosted our 3 youngest grandkids for the summer. I post less in the summer due to yardwork and other increases in work load.
    Last edited by Ken Fitzgerald; 08-03-2024 at 10:24 AM.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  9. #9
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    I participate in a few forums and do notice that of which you speak. Some folks are lazy, some are just lookie-loos. The same few people seem to be the main participants but I do enjoy their discussion and input. SMC has a problem with pictures that does put a lot of people off based on posts in the past and exiting members. They limited the amount of pics per "upload" some years ago. As a result I have a current thread where I have posted only a few pics here. On other forums I have posted over 70 documenting the entire process. It is just too difficult here to do that so I limit it to just a few. Storage is so cheap now I really don't know why the number of pictures or the ease of posting them is so throttled but, the admins here know what they are working with and what they can allow. There are definitely many forums (not SMC) that I do not even visit anymore because the people there are too judgemental, argumentative, or just plain trolls
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  10. #10
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    Too be honest, I don't come here much anymore for woodworking stuff. But it is my "go to" place for most questions in life that concern daily retirement life. The depth of wide spread knowledge here is very hard too beat from people willing too share.

  11. #11
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    Other non w'working forums I've been on have degenerated and disappeared as the participants get older and if they're not well-moderated, they get full of rants and politics and new people are treated poorly. I agree with Perry, I come with non-w'working questions because it's a smart group of people with lots of relevant life-experience.
    < insert spurious quote here >

  12. #12
    Forums in general are on the decline due to much of what has already been mentioned.
    Participation is the key and I say this from experience, members just don't participate enough. Many find it easier these days to sit back and watch a YT video rather than participate in a discussion.
    The admins and mods can only do so much if members don't or won't talk.
    Many times members need some type of push to get them talking and everyone seems to have an opinion on how a forum should be run.
    It runs the gamut from, not enough or large enough photos to we need a section on..., to my post disappeared and so on, It's not easy, herding cats comes to mind from time to time.
    Many times people will visit and read post, looking for answers but seldom want to start a conversation. This might gain views but does little for the health of the forum.

    I've been a member of and have also read many forums over the years, SMC is one of the good ones. If you want to keep it relevant, participate.
    JMHO, off the soapbox I go.

  13. #13
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    I’ve been a member to most if not all, Woodweb included. I’ve noticed over the years all forums, but not all have become a place for general communication, not woodworking. I use to enjoy the Router forum , but it’s become a CNC forum. I haven’t figured out how Woodtalk or Oatriot woodworker stays afloat. Worst forum I’ve been on is Craftisian.
    Last edited by jack duren; 08-03-2024 at 2:33 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Roehl View Post
    I've been visiting SMC daily almost since the start, with only a day missed here or there. Ten years ago, I would open it to three whole pages of new posts every day. Now, it's just under a page and a half of new posts each morning. There used to be get-togethers in several locations around the country annually--and not just Creekers--but those are few and far between now. I can't say I've even heard of one in quite some time, and haven't been to one in well over 15 years.
    As far as get togethers, I wonder if the Covid "stay home and isolate" plays a role there. I have other thoughts but they stray too much into political waters.

  15. #15
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    I got together with Woodnet members once. It was great.then I got kicked off Woodnet from,a huge argument with members including Steve Gass.
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    Last edited by jack duren; 08-03-2024 at 3:03 PM.

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