Hi All,
I recently bought the Robust American Beauty. I was hoping the girth and weight of the unit would be enough to keep vibration down but I'm finding it's not. I cored a bowl blank a couple of days ago. I had bandsawed the blank so it wasn't far out of true. The max speed I could get was about 400 rpm even after everything was completely trued up and I was coring. I'm thinking I need to bolt it down. My shop has a hardwood floor raised on sleepers from a concrete floor. So, I have 2x4's on edge with a ¾" subfloor and then ¾" hickory floor. Nice and solid but I'm finding out, not enough.
So, here's the question. How would you suggest I go about bolting this down? I'm thinking bolting to the hardwood and subfloor would be insufficient. One good shake and it would come loose. If drill through the wood flooring and head for concrete, what system of fastener would you suggest? I'm puzzled.
Thanks, Neil