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Thread: A Tip For Ticks

  1. #1
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    A Tip For Ticks

  2. #2
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    Thanks, good to know, but yikes!! how much time had expired to snag all of those?
    Hobbyist woodworker

  3. #3
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    I started that strip yesterday, Saturday evening. I added several more today. Two days out at the woodlot. No snow at all for us in Mid Missouri this year. A good heavy snow is supposed to help reduce Ticks. I have Coleman Max 100% DEET but do not like using it. I have been trying tincture of lavender oil. It may or may not be helping. It smells nice.

  4. #4
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    In the foothills of the NM Sandia Mountains
    My sister lives in SE Missouri. Every time I go for a visit I get nailed by the little buggers. They are not very common here in NM and that’s fine by me.
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    "The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for."
    Will Rogers

  5. #5
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    Consumer Reports does a good annual test and reporting on insect repellents. Some of the stuff people promote just doesnt work. DEET at around 30% is most effective, but a couple of other chemicals as well. Also treatment of clothes with permethrin. But one thing for sure, doing nothing doesn't work and most people don't use repellents often enough or as directed.
    < insert spurious quote here >

  6. #6
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    Permethrin works really well but does need to be reapplied to clothes after a few washes.

  7. #7
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    I use corn. A few piles spread around the woods has built up a population of wild turkeys that decimate them. Fleas as well.

  8. #8
    I found one on me that was on for days years back when I was taking care of our parents property after mom had passed.

    Last year i was working on a job late and felt my hands were knumb and hurt. I found a tic between two fingers. I didnt know about correct removal and tried 10 times to rip it off but it would not let go. I finally got pissed and ripped it off and threw it on the floor. It walked around with a chunk of my flesh holding it in its front paws. Took a while for the spot to heal. From memory that one was not the black tic we are concerned about but a wood tic. I read all of them can carry diff diseases not just the one that has lymes. So many respected names have been affected by those just the musicians alone a number have had it.

    So little was known about it up here people with Lymes were not diagnosed for years. 20 years ago I heard on Coast to Coast late night shows about it and it was a lady doctor from canada who had to find someone in the US to figure it out. Then husband of a lady they are a well known wine producer has been on the radio a few times over they years about her husband. They didnt figure what was going on and he died.
    Last edited by Warren Lake; 06-04-2024 at 2:03 PM.

  9. #9
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    I recall actress Diane Varsi, famous for "Peyton Place", suffered with undiagnosed lyme disease for many years. Contrary to popular belief, lyme disease can typically be cured with antibiotics. However, some people have told me they had it and still suffer from fatigue and other ailments.

  10. #10
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    Since moving to Florida my wife and I figure we pull off about 100 ticks a year. In 15 years that's a bunch of ticks and in that time only about 3 escaped notice long enough to fill up with blood. Our method is tweezers with, if necessary, a strong magnifier. No messing around - just pull it off and make sure it dies. I like the tape idea for those that are still mobile. The little buggers can move pretty fast and aren't always easy to grab while they're moving.

    Despite the large number of ticks in this part of the country, there is relatively little Lyme disease. There's another critter besides ticks that's somehow involved in the life cycle of whatever the Lyme organism is, and it's more common North of here. I also understand that it takes a considerable length of time, over 24 hours, to be infected with Lyme and we find the ticks faster than that. So we don't sweat ticks too much, especially since tick check can be one of the better parts of the day.

  11. #11
    didnt see the first one till next day. Last one didnt know it was there till my hands were aching and I wondered what was going on.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pat Germain View Post
    I recall actress Diane Varsi, famous for "Peyton Place", suffered with undiagnosed lyme disease for many years. Contrary to popular belief, lyme disease can typically be cured with antibiotics. However, some people have told me they had it and still suffer from fatigue and other ailments.
    Tick borne illness are no joke. One of my sisters got Lyme disease while living in Massituchiuts. It took years for her to get diagnosed and allegedly cured. If the Lime disease does not mess you up for life, the antibiotics will. Our neighbor in NH had Alpha-gal last summer. She was miserable on top of miserable as she felt very bad and could not eat her favorite foods. Our neighbors here in MO do not treat their dogs. When they get covered with ticks they become nearly paralyzed. We found an affordable treatment for those dogs, Advantix II. My other sister swears by her chickens, which have free range of the yard. I got behind on my mowing and the hay has not been cut yet. Tick paradise. A note about the lavender oil, it helps a lot with chiggers and what ever it is that causes itching. Our dog will confirm. When I mist him with diluted lavender oil in the morning he does not itch and scratch all night.

  13. #13
    Lighter fluid kills insects, including ticks, instantly, as they breath thru their skin. Put a drop on one, wait a couple seconds, and then remove. Fun to find one and put in on top of car in sunshine and watch it try to find a cool spot, before dying.

  14. #14
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    Agree that Lyme disease is no joke. My wife got it on our honeymoon 40 years ago. We went to an ER on Kawaii, and showed the doctor her classic target lesion. I told him, I know this sounds crazy, but I remember that lesion from a book in medical school, and asked him if it could be Lyme disease. He blew me off as a medical student that thinks they have every rare ailment, so no treatment. She went years without antibiotics, and now has MULTIPLE autoimmune diseases. Are they related? We'll never know, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I believe the Lyme disease was the cause.

    The really stupid part of the doctor story, was that he trained at Yale. New Haven, Connecticut. 30 miles from LYME, Connecticut.

    On the other hand, regarding my wonderful wife, "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all".
    - After I ask a stranger if I can pet their dog and they say yes, I like to respond, "I'll keep that in mind" and walk off
    - It's above my pay grade. Mongo only pawn in game of life.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Wrenn View Post
    Lighter fluid kills insects, including ticks, instantly, as they breath thru their skin. Put a drop on one, wait a couple seconds, and then remove. Fun to find one and put in on top of car in sunshine and watch it try to find a cool spot, before dying.
    Just a thought. The reason it is not recommended to poison one on your skin is that they can vomit into you while still attached.
    < insert spurious quote here >

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