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Thread: Dumb answers to dumb questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Piercefield, NY

    Dumb answers to dumb questions

    I used to feel frustrated when I would have listed something for sale on Craigslist or Facebook and included the town where I lived, and instead of looking it up on their devices people would write to me to ask "where is Orwell" (where I used to live) or now "where is Piercefield?". I finally started to write back "Right where it used to be", on the theory that a dumb question deserves a dumb answer. This doesn't lead to any sales, but the folks who ask that question don't have enough initiative to show up anyway, in my earlier experience, so I think nothing is lost. This led me to wonder if other folks on here have stock responses that are useful in life's more pointless conversations.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    New Westminster BC
    I guess it depends on whether you want to sell whatever you put up for sale or whether you want to be a wise @ss. You can chose to answer questions from potential buyers even if you think they are stupid or not. Which option is most likely to end in a sale?

  3. #3
    I like the politician who was pulled over by a cop at Queens Park. Said to the cop do you know I am? Cop said no but its on your drivers license.

    People have asked me enough over the years and common to have them not know where. Just as well, its growing around here and nothing good comes from that. It was as simple as green acres here and lots to be said for that.

  4. #4
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    Phone calls only, No emails, No texts is my policy for craigslist. I have only been stood up once. I have had a few remarkably enjoyable experiences selling on Craigslist as well as a few Duds. I have found that a little politeness goes a long way with most people. With a few people a huge amount of politeness did no good at all.

  5. #5
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    I firmly believe in karma, so I try to respond to people from my higher self regardless of what others do or don't do. Not perfect, but that is my personal goal. Brian

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Cambridge Vermont
    Doesn't every Craig's list and facebook marketplace ad have a map? I guess every person is a potential buyer but I agree with you. I have asked questions repeatedly. Like what's your actual address, when an ad only has the general location and people just assume that I know where they are located. So I expect a bit of dumbness. But if you can't be bothered to click on the map image on the page to zoom out to figure out where the person is I'd be concerned that they may not show up when they say they will. Rarely do I sell anything that I really need to sell so I would rather risk not selling something that waiting my time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Piercefield, NY
    I am happy to answer more specific questions, but in my experience if the buyer doesn't bother to look up the town and find out where it is they won't actually come to look at what I'm trying to sell.

  8. #8
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    There are those folks that are not computer literate enough to know that they can use Google and other sources to find things they want. I would suggest being polite instead of sarcastic when replying.
    Lee Schierer
    USNA '71
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Mcmurry View Post
    Phone calls only, No emails, No texts is my policy for craigslist. I have only been stood up once. I have had a few remarkably enjoyable experiences selling on Craigslist as well as a few Duds. I have found that a little politeness goes a long way with most people. With a few people a huge amount of politeness did no good at all.
    This is pretty much my CL approach.
    First reply (by me) is via CL where I ask for a phone number and also explicitly state "No texts".
    Then I wait... 2/3 of the time no phone number is forthcoming so i know the buyer is either a scammer or not serious.
    "What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing.
    It also depends on what sort of person you are.”

  10. #10
    Karma falls flat on its face when you look at reality. There are tons of people who have had random crap fall on them and never deserved it. You want and example total disgrace human Paul Bernardo murdered I think three woman and raped many more in toronto. He should have been killed 10 times over and slowly for what hes done. Instead hes in protective custody. Not one of those woman deserved him. Let Karma explain that as it cant.

    Im sure there are people that do good things in life and have great things happen to them. im proof of that but to say its run by Karma or think its an accurate saying its about as accurate as that crap they told us about the golden years.

  11. #11
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    When I sold my truck on CL, there were four emails within the hour. Sold it to the guy who got back to me first.

    First reply (by me) is via CL where I ask for a phone number and also explicitly state "No texts".
    Then I wait... 2/3 of the time no phone number is forthcoming so i know the buyer is either a scammer or not serious.
    They may have had others who got in first and the item sold before it getting back to you.

    It bugs me when people say, "you didn't answer my text." My landline doesn't do text.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Goleta / Santa Barbara
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Lake View Post
    its about as accurate as that crap they told us about the golden years.
    Warren, Near as i can tell, the Golden Years have an awful lot of RUST in them . . . . so much for non-ferrous metals not rusting . . . just sayin'

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    New Westminster BC
    My preference is to use Craigslist email until it comes time to arrange a meet. That way you don't give out your phone number or real email address to a bunch of strangers. What bugs me is people who list an item and don't monitor their listing and respond in a timely manner or remove a listing when the item is gone.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Zach, not sure there is a clear answer to your quandary. I get the visceral impulse of responding in kind, but if you are truly having a proverbial "battle of wits with the unarmed", that initial satisfaction will dissipate pretty damn quickly. As several suggested above, we are all better served when we try to take the more generous and more understanding high road. You are not likely to be criticized, or hurt anyone feelings, by being kind, considerate, patient and understanding, i.e., your best self. Not always easy.

    Some out there are truly stupid (and therefore, IMHO, truly deserving of our patience and understanding), but many of the dumb questions probably come from people that are socially awkward/uncomfortable and/or so hesitant they don't know how to communicate, nor where to begin. I used to attribute it - and many other things - to the failure of the American educational system, but i am not so sure that really explains it.

    I think it is Mike H that has a tag line with the theme of: be nice, be good and do well.

    Best, Patrick - one who struggles with silencing his own sarcastic thoughts from being voiced . . . .

  15. #15
    Here in the Philly suburbs, sarcasm, wit, wise guy, what ever you want to call it is the norm. I have learned that people from other places don’t always get it or appreciate it. I don’t use it in other places or on the internet. I avoid it until I get read on a person and then tread carefully.

    I think Patrick’s post says it best.

    Also, sometimes very smart people miss stuff, or maybe the person isn’t very smart, either hardly deserves belittling imo.

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