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Thread: Bona NaturalSeal but for shiplap walls?

  1. #1

    Bona NaturalSeal but for shiplap walls?

    Is there a lightly white tinted all in one sealer (or finisher) for shiplap pine walls similar to Bona NaturalSeal? My understanding is that product will drip if used vertically.

    Ideally that can be brushed or rolled on.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA
    You could use any waterborne acrylic clear finish, and tint it with white universal colorant. Mixol offers small units. Cal-tint makes 16-oz jugs. That’s what house painters buy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I doubt Bona will run if you apply it with a cloth or thinly with a paint pad.


  4. #4
    Thanks both. I was a bit concerned a tinted product would end up with streaky coverage with a wipe on application. I guess the best way to find out is to try.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Crozet, VA
    Andy — I have only applied Bona NaturalSeal on woodworking projects and not on floors or walls, so my experience is not directly applicable. I can tell you that my friend who installs and refinishes floors said it is a tricky product to apply correctly. Dries really fast and if you go back over it after it starts to dry will leave witness marks. As with all finishes I would advise practicing before you tackle the real thing.
    There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.” - Dave Barry

  6. #6
    On floors I am reasonably confident on a roll on application, although I agree you need to work it consistently and can’t go back to touch up later. The perils of an all-in-one product I suppose.

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