Too many years with very little and too poor to buy more. So, started buying one new tool with each side job. Bought my contractors saw(2cd saw I bought) and the Woodmaster 712 planer after working all summer overtime. The panel saw was bought for building cabinets for a store. Has been very handy since. Floor Drill Press came later with more overtime money. Craftsman Radial Arm saw bought 12/94 was bought after working 4 Sundays in a row overtime, month solid not time off. SawStop ICS was bought with inheritance money from grandparents who passed 30 yrs earlier. Mother kept it from until just before she passed. J/P was used and in pieces, so got it for $500, 15" wide belt sander was bought with short term disability insurance check. Stroke sander was given to me. Other tools bought from money set aside each pay. Now can't hardly move in shop. Got lot more made when I had inexpensive tools. young, didn't know I could not do what I was doing and made it work. Tools keep coming slowly and no place to out them. Older I get the more the damage from physical work when I was younger, motorcycle crash, etc shows up. Still above the grass so still buying tools, haven't used them in 2 years but still think I will get back to working wood soon.