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Thread: Resistance Is Futile ( I Want A CNC )

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    Originally my plan was to purchase a CNC Router first then a laser engraver. I let my head get turned around one day and ended up buying the laser first. My Bad!
    Both machines are amazing and capable of producing impressive work but the income that a CNC Router can provide is much higher then a laser engraver when you only own one of the machines.
    Together they are much more profitable to own, trust me its the perception of value over a larger number of projects that sets the CNC at the top of my list.

    It gets down to this: After two years I was still making payments on my laser engraver, my new ShopBot PRT Alpha CNC Router paid for itself in just one week. I used the laser on that same job but I would never have been able to bid the job without a CNC machine. You can go to work right away making way more money with a CNC machine than you can with a laser engraver. That's how it worked for me, your mileage may vary but after fifteen years my situation is still the same.

    For the record I was given the opportunity to make signs for an 80 million dollar facility under construction and I ordered my ShopBot right away. There was no other way to cut out sign blanks for engraving in a reasonable amount of time.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Columbia MO & Grafton NH
    Blog Entries
    Thanks all. Our Son lives in Durham NC. We have unfinished projects on his house and I will be spending some time there again eventually. I will be thinking about scheduling my trip around a ShopBot basic training class.

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