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Thread: NFL,I wish....

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Sadly, I think this bet is only available in Canada, otherwide I'd go heavy on the over, at 5.5, for number of Taylor mentions on CTV broadcast of the game. Includes pre-and post-game commentaries. It's not conceivable that she could be mentioned only 5 or fewer.

    When I started woodworking, I didn't know squat. I have progressed in 30 years - now I do know squat.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    I'd say it's a sad commentary about our society today that we dare to condemn, ridicule or make fun of a couple having a romantic relationship. The couple just happens to be 2 of the most recognizable people in the world. My wife of 55 years and I were talking about it today during the game. I wouldn't want to have that type of public pressure if I was trying to have a relationship with someone.

    I met my wife on a blind Saturday night date. She was a divorced mother of two. The next day we went on a picnic with the two kids. I introduced the kids to fishing. The next evening on our 3rd date I asked her to marry me. That night we broke the news to her parents with whom she and the kids were temporarily living. 9 days later I signed over my checking and savings accounts and left for bootcamp. 2 days after getting home for Christmas leave out of bootcamp, we were married. 2 years later after reenlisting for 6 more years, I took part of my reenlistment bonus and adopted those kids and a couple years later we had one more.

    Two years ago while visiting a wife's lawyer cousin in Iowa, I told Kathleen I would like to have been a fly on the wall in her parents home that evening after I left to go home. Kathleen said our relationship was quite the conversation piece within the family for a goodly amount of time after that. My ILs became two of my greatest supporters as the years passed and I theirs!

    I think this type of chatter is a result of the internet and I question it's value. JMHO.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  3. #63
    Join Date
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    Anaheim, California
    Quote Originally Posted by Kent A Bathurst View Post
    Sadly, I think this bet is only available in Canada, otherwide I'd go heavy on the over, at 5.5, for number of Taylor mentions on CTV broadcast of the game. Includes pre-and post-game commentaries. It's not conceivable that she could be mentioned only 5 or fewer.
    "Mentioned"? I think maybe once or twice. "Shown", OTOH, maybe a dozen times. That's from the official CBS USA feed.

    One note: Mahome's wife and and least one of their kids was up on the platform during the trophy ceremonies, but Swift was down on the field with (I think) Kelce's mother and brother. Our take was, she didn't want to draw attention away from his accomplishments. He went down to her immediately after his remarks/interview. As much as one can tell on camera, these are two people who care more about each other than whatever anyone else thinks of them as a couple. (Hope so, anyway: she's not exactly subtle when dealing with exes in her music.)
    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
    We used to be hunter gatherers. Now we're shopper borrowers.
    The three most important words in the English language: "Front Towards Enemy".
    The world makes a lot more sense when you remember that Butthead was the smart one.
    You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much ammo.

  4. #64
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Fitzgerald View Post
    I'd say it's a sad commentary about our society today that we dare to condemn, ridicule or make fun of a couple having a romantic relationship. The couple just happens to be 2 of the most recognizable people in the world.
    I meant no disrespect to them, and I don't think it reads that way - I just smile at the way it gets as far as sportsbook bets. They are living large in today's social media universe, and they play it up to their fans, and for their fans. Their lives are high-profile entertainers, involving several bazillion followers across every known inhabited space, and they feed - and feed off of - that fame.

    Goody gumdrops for them both, says me.
    When I started woodworking, I didn't know squat. I have progressed in 30 years - now I do know squat.

  5. #65
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    Goody gumdrops for them both, says me.
    Me too!

    I'm not much of a football fan, yesterday was the first time in years that I watched football on TV. Years ago, the Niners were my home team and I rooted for the home team.

    This year with all the weirdos on a put down diatribe over Taylor and Travis, it didn't bother me that my old home team lost.

    At least we know she isn't after him for his fame or money. I'm not really a fan of either, but if it ticks off the weirdos, sprinkle some sparkles on my behind and call me a Swifty.

    Something some folks do not know about the Chiefs' name >
    a fan contest determined the new "Chiefs" name in honor of Mayor Bartle's nickname that he acquired in his professional role as Scout Executive of the St. Joseph and Kansas City Boy Scout Councils
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  6. #66
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    Lewiston, Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by Kent A Bathurst View Post
    I meant no disrespect to them, and I don't think it reads that way - I just smile at the way it gets as far as sportsbook bets. They are living large in today's social media universe, and they play it up to their fans, and for their fans. Their lives are high-profile entertainers, involving several bazillion followers across every known inhabited space, and they feed - and feed off of - that fame.

    Goody gumdrops for them both, says me.
    Kent, my friend, my comment wasn't meant about your comment! It was about the nature of the beast in general not you or this thread specifically. The internet again, IMO, has the capability and is used for so much good. It also has the capability to be used for so much that is negative, destructive and abnormal. It's kind of a love-hate relationship viewed from where I sit.

    Personally, I wouldn't have wanted that fame, attention and resultant pluses and minuses. But that is me. I find myself too often repeating "This is Ken in Idaho...looking down....shaking his head!"

    Glad to see you back at the Creek, Kent!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  7. #67
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    Atlanta, GA
    I didn't misunderstand you - just wanted to make the note for the genpop.

    Happy to be back, good to read your thoughts as well.
    When I started woodworking, I didn't know squat. I have progressed in 30 years - now I do know squat.

  8. #68
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    You guys are only a post or two away from becoming our own Taylor & Travis.

    Ken and Kent.

  9. #69
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    I live in KC and haven’t watched the news since the Super Bowl. Sick of it..

  10. #70
    I am not a fan. My impression of football is that it leads to bad behavior. This started at age 11 when I accidentally got drunk from drinking some of what the mis-behaving adults were drinking at a football game. This year we have drinking to death at a watch party, murder at a victory celebration, and the despicable ridicule of a charming and talented celebrity couple, both of whom go out of their way to express care for their fellow humans. NFL... I wish it was just a game.

    I am from Iowa (which has its embarrassments). Caitlin Clark is giving me hope!

    Last edited by Maurice Mcmurry; 02-14-2024 at 8:49 PM. Reason:

  11. #71
    Join Date
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Mcmurry View Post
    I am not a fan. My impression of football is that it leads to bad behavior. This started at age 11 when I accidentally got drunk from drinking some of what the mis-behaving adults were drinking at a football game. This year we have drinking to death at a watch party, murder at a victory celebration, and the despicable ridicule of a charming and talented celebrity couple, both of whom go out of their way to express care for their fellow humans. NFL... I wish it was just a game.
    Well I am a fan, a big fan, but I have to acknowledge your thoughts above. Pretty much spot on. A very sad situation.

  12. #72
    [QUOTE=Maurice Mcmurry;3301448] and the despicable ridicule of a charming and talented celebrity couple, both of whom go out of their way to express care for their fellow humans. NFL... I wish it was just a game.

    Except when it comes to her taking her private jet from Japan to Las Vegas and not caring about her effect on Global Warming........Yes she seems to really care about her fellow humans!!
    Last edited by Barry McFadden; 02-14-2024 at 9:10 PM.

  13. #73
    Join Date
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    Anaheim, California
    Quote Originally Posted by Barry McFadden View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Mcmurry View Post
    and the despicable ridicule of a charming and talented celebrity couple, both of whom go out of their way to express care for their fellow humans. NFL... I wish it was just a game.
    Except when it comes to her taking her private jet from Japan to Las Vegas and not caring about her effect on Global Warming........Yes she seems to really care about her fellow humans!!
    I'm seeing quite a bit of noise about this. It might matter at some very low symbolic level, but the incremental carbon footprint of the Tokyo->Vegas->Australia flight relative to the entire tour is miniscule. Skipping the side trip on the basis of climate concerns would, IMHO, qualify as virtue-signaling.

    (For some reason, the phrase "get over it" just jumped into my head... )
    Last edited by Lee DeRaud; 02-14-2024 at 9:30 PM.
    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
    We used to be hunter gatherers. Now we're shopper borrowers.
    The three most important words in the English language: "Front Towards Enemy".
    The world makes a lot more sense when you remember that Butthead was the smart one.
    You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much ammo.

  14. #74
    [QUOTE=Barry McFadden;3301461]
    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Mcmurry View Post
    and the despicable ridicule of a charming and talented celebrity couple, both of whom go out of their way to express care for their fellow humans. NFL... I wish it was just a game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Mcmurry View Post

    Except when it comes to her taking her private jet from Japan to Las Vegas and not caring about her effect on Global Warming........Yes she seems to really care about her fellow humans!!
    She sold her jet last week. It may be meaningless but at least she has the courtesy to make a gesture.

  15. #75
    I have been wondering what the pollution impact of the billionaire rocketeers and their quest to commercialize orbital, sub orbital, and just for fun space trips is. I guess I will google that.

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