Thanks for the comments, I need another carving tool like a hole the head, and I don't have any Schaaf tools, but I am curious about them.

When I started out I had a set of Pfeil palm carving tools, one full sized Pfeil skew, a No. 3 Fishtail and a couple of Henry Taylor tools. I've expanded that over the years, but mostly old tools and old English Makers. Whenever I buy an old carving tool I can figure on spending anywhere between an hour and three getting it shaped and ready. (Chris Pye calls this "Commissioning).

This is also true of Pfeil tools. While they do come sharp, and the straight gouges are usually shaped pretty well (although I have had several that weren't) their V tools aren't usually shaped very well at all. For the work that I do, typically small stuff, I find most of the new tools very thick and chunky and have come to prefer the older English tools, which seem to be thinner in section and more delicate overall.

Enjoy them and let us know how they hold up!