When I first got into ww few years ago, I thought I NEEDED the big boy rip capacity of the 60691 but I've never needed it once yet and it's literally just became a lazy spot for me to lay everything I don't feel like putting away. My shop has also filled up over the past few years to the point I'm putting off working on things because I know I have to move a bunch of machines around to make space to use the one I need.

I don't want to cut my current rails but grizzly pretty much said good luck it's all discontinued (not in a rude way), when I reached out to them for bolt on options.

Basically I'd love to find bolt on rails that work with factory fence but I realize that's unlikely. If I have to buy fence and rails I'd like it to be simple as possible. If there isn't a simple or cheap option I'd probably end up getting the incra setup like I got for my router but that's a last resort. Quality of the incra stuff is amazing for me but I have to read part of the book and watch a video or two every time I use the incra router setup lol.

Where does that leave me for options?