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Thread: YT anything new?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Warwick, RI

    YT anything new?

    Being layer up after knee surgery and watching a lot YT, I've realized there's nothing new to make video about. Now what? I like watching Rex just for the entertainment value. Cosman is too dry but has taught me a lot as well as Paul Sellers. Wood by Wright is kind of fun to watch but doesn't have the real lifetime experience that I prefer to watch.

    I'm just looking for woodworking entertainment right now. I hope to get building again next week. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Wenatchee, WA
    Mostly 'silent' woodworking i.e. no instruction, reviews, etc... so may or may not be your cup o' tea:

  3. #3
    I am a turner, and a swimmer. I am also getting tired of most of those related videos. There is only so much you can say about them, and the technology isn't really advancing that much. For tool reviews, I do like Project Farm. He has no sponsors and is pretty clever in devising tests to see which products work best. He doesn't really do hand tools though. There is one guy H Carpenter, from SE Asia some where who does a lot of clever joinery. No dialogue, he just lays things out and cuts. Many decorative joints. Matt Estlea is interesting, but he got side tracked.

    Hope all goes well with your knee. I had bilateral hips and one knee, some time ago. It is nice to be able to walk upright again. Told the surgeon he needs to get the clip from the Ringo Starr Caveman movie where they hug and their backs crack and then they can walk upright..... Swimming is a perfect exercise. I am still swimming....

    robo hippy
    Last edited by Reed Gray; 11-02-2023 at 12:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Maybe dial up a few from Grandpa Amu?
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  5. #5

    I've been watching old Norm Abrams shows.

  6. #6
    Have you already exhausted the Wood & Shop channel? Mr. Chickadee? The English Woodworker?

    Are you familiar with Bench. Talk. 101? Great forum for woodworking nerds.

    My new favorite is a fellow in Norway, Lucas Richard Stephens. Among other things he's a carpenter and log cabin builder and he's paid by the hour, it would seem, because part of what is interesting about watching him is how efficiently he works with (sometimes) minimal kit and workspace.

    Anyway, hope you heal fast!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Columbia, MO
    I love anything from the boardroom (Mike Farrington), the New Yorkshire Workshop and some of the older Bourbon Moth videos. Don't watch too many Neanders but subscribed to the Renaissance Woodworker. My other recommendation would be to draw or doodle a few a new project ideas while you can't go to the shop. And for a quick woodworking hit look at Instagram...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Longview WA
    Blog Entries
    He isn't new, but Charles Neil is enjoyable >

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    I think there's always something new, but that doesn't mean the people making videos are going to be able or willing to fit it into the format that's successful on YouTube. To many of them have just started, so it's hard for them to add something new when they don't even know what's old. Then there's a tendency for click-bait titles to get most of the attention.

    Personally I found this fascinating, well done and information. Amazing video set on Windsor Chair Making, by somebody who's been doing it and teaching it for years. Unfortunately for him the dude can only do it once, and it violates so many of the rules of success for youtube.

  10. #10
    There are only so many videos of someone diminishing stock you can take.
    Watching someone who actually knows what they're doing is getting harder to find.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    North Carolina
    Have you already exhausted the full 37 seasons of St. Roy and The Woodwright's Shop?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Fairbanks AK
    I can think of two.

    Carl Holmgren is a polymath and a true American Original. He has a series of videos about engineering retractable casters under heavy things. More instructional than entertaining, but once you have a feel for what he has already figured out you will know where to look next time. I have seen a fair number of YT shop tours where the maker might benefit from retractable casters under some of their equipment.

    Also, on the Lincoln Street Woodworks channel there are two "build off" where the content creator goes up against his older next door neighbor to build a specific thing in a specific time. If I were invited to bring a suitcase full of handtools, camp in the back yard and work in the driveway for one of those I think I would enjoy that. I think the both of them are good guys. Otherwise Lincoln Street is mostly building things I don't want to build using tools I don't want to use. He is doing nice work within his parameters.

    EDIT: I am also enjoying "Pedulla Studio." He is doing gallery level work, but he is not being a Richard about it.
    Last edited by Scott Winners; 11-03-2023 at 2:00 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Fairbanks AK
    I also commend "A Craftsman's Legacy." Lots of makers who are not woodworkers, and only limited episodes on YT vs Amazon or Netflix of whatever, but certainly worth a look to sort of clean your glasses on what you are trying to accomplish.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Warwick, RI
    Quote Originally Posted by Monte Milanuk View Post
    Mostly 'silent' woodworking i.e. no instruction, reviews, etc... so may or may not be your cup o' tea:
    Love Gakos

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Try Engles Coach Shop. Builds rebuilds old wagons and wood wheels. Latest was building 10’ diameter wooden wheels for a log cart. He built the replicas of the Borax wagons for Death Valley.

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