Recap: The build is a pair of night stands, bedside tables in a Krenov-Mid Century Danish style. The case is Tasmanian Oak (which is a Eucalyptus, but resembles a White Oak) and the base will be Jarrah (which grows in small quantities in Western Australia). Each case is bow-fronted, and at the side rear is a little drawer ...

I added the little drawer for interest, and to break up all the light wood. The light Tasmanian Oak will contrast against the dark Jarrah, and the little drawer should link in nicely. What goes in the little drawer? You could keep a watch, rings, earrings, and other small, precious items.

The drawer was an interesting puzzle. As you can see here, it hangs in space ...

Well, obviously the drawer does not hang in space. It rests on a platform ...

The notable feature of the little drawer is that it cannot run in a drawer case, and is supported only on one side.

The platform is built up to create a box, which is screwed to the base of the case ...

The drawer is not your common garden design dovetailed drawer ...

The drawer box is dovetailed all around, except for a connecting sliding dovetail.

Here the waste is removed with the miniature Veritas router plane ...

The drawer parts ...

The slot for the drawer slide was a first for me, using the MFT table and router on the track ...

The bolt for the track acts as a guide as well as a drawer stop. The Jarrah section at the end is to reinforce the panel and prevent any splitting at the end of the groove.

More later.

Regards from Perth
