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Thread: Lumber Run !

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Roh-KAY, Raggy....this is going to be...
    Friday Evening Photos, not working out.JPG
    "Very IN-ter-esting".....and this was just a dry fit? Imagine trying to glue this up...with just 2 hands!

    Friday Night Photos, how to .JPG
    Each one of these 28 tenons need a coat of glue, before being slid into the 28 Mortises.....Hmmmmm.start at one end, and work (QUICKLY) to the other end? And, ensure the entire mess IS square, to boot.....

    I am quite sure that cussing will be involved, today....
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Must be getting slow in me Dotage? Took a little over half an hour from start to...
    Back Assembled, view from the stairs .JPG
    Including hauling two planks to the shop for this to sit on...and NOT fall off the top of the tablesaw...view from the basement steps..
    The clamp down on the end?
    Back Assembled , Clamp needed changed .JPG

    Needed to be placed UNDER the assembly....diagonals were pulled, several times...until both read 56-3/8".....close enough for the girls I run around with?

    Worked up a sweat...big time....forgot to turn on the shop fan.

    Think I'll sit a spell, and cool down.....yes, there was indeed Drill Instructor level cussing going on....a BIG screwdriver helped to get more than a couple slats to line up and fit into the mortises.....

    Stay tuned...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Dry fit Day...
    Sunday Dry Fits, Blank for the seat slats .JPG
    had ONE clamp that will be long enough...a second one?
    Sunday Dry Fits, missedit by that much .JPG
    "Missed it by THAT much, Chief.."

    So, next Pay Day...I go out and BUY 2 piece of Black iron pipe....both 6' @ 1/2", the other @ 3/4" ...

    Need this dry fit, so I could mark out, and saw a middle Seat Support..
    Sunday Dry Fits, Mid Seat Support .JPG

    Both frames got all their edges rounded over....had an issue with the bit slipping..
    Sunday Dry Fits, before the sanding .JPG
    Then decided to pin the two joints, before the sander removed the ridges...
    Sunday Dry Fits, pinned joints .JPG
    Fancy joint = Fancy saw...

    Seat support needed notches to sit in...
    Sunday Dry Fits, test fit .JPG
    Back rail ( gets glued and a counter sunk screw..) and the front rail..
    Sunday Dry Fits, front rail notched .JPG

    Next trip to the shop? Have to rip slats for the seat...and..see about a pair of Arm Rests...while I still can move around IN the shop....

    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Might take the day off, today....

    1) It IS a Monday...and..
    2) it is my 70th Birthday, today

    Errands to run....about the only items I could work on today..2 Arm Rests, and see about ripping some slats for the seat....

    How many pins will I need for the M&T joints at the rails? Thinking maybe I can use just 2 per?

    Bench is to be sitting on a Concrete Patio, inside of a Gazebo....just need pads to keep the feet (wood) off of the Concrete...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Unable to stay out of the shop..Monday or no Monday....1st Arm rest has been sawn out..
    Arm Rests, 1st try.JPG
    Used this to trace out #2..
    Arm Rests, trace out #2 .JPG
    These have to be mirror images of each other..
    Arm Rests, Mirror images of each other .JPG
    Because of the way the back of the bench tilts back....beltsander to even things out..
    Arm Rests, even things out .JPG
    By the time I got around to the big curve..
    Arm Rests, next item .JPG
    I also had an idea of where to chop a rectangle...
    Arm Rests, ready to go .JPG
    Intend to put these 2 to work...
    Arm Rests, chop started .JPG
    Start up...when a little ways down...maybe a 1/4" deep....then double checked the fit...and locations..
    Arm Rests, test fit.. .JPG
    Tenon will get a wedge..later...a counter sunk screw ( and plug?) will attach the arm to the back....

    May have to dig out the Corner Chisel I have?
    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    So, how to chop a SQUARE hole, 1" x 1"...through 3/4" Ash..
    A Square Hole, #2 laid out .JPG
    Takes an old style chisel, from Peck,Stow,& Wilcox....
    A Square Hole, Square chisel .JPG
    1" Corner Chisel...with a replacement handle, of course....
    A Square Hole, Chopping tools .JPG
    These two take most of the waste out....but...
    A Square Hole, P.S.& W. 1 inch .JPG
    Yes, this is quite sharp...same hammer......I use the normal chisel to chop down and remove most of the waste...then clean up with the corner chisel..
    A Square Hole, Dry Fit .JPG
    The Arm Rest was clamped down to the bench, right over the top of a leg...One could slip some scrap under the part...

    One done, one more to go....takes about 15 rush...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    A Busy Tuesday....Both arm rests are fitted..
    A Busy Tuesday, slats and arm rests.JPG
    There is also 5 slats for the seat itself....these will need cut to length....a sixth one...
    A Busy Tuesday, under the front of the seat .JPG
    Has been cut to length...edges have been rounded shows how this would look from under the bench...This is the front slat of the seat...will see how much over-hang it will get...once the other 5 are in place...
    A Busy Tuesday, Arm Rest rounded .JPG
    Arm Rests have both faces rounded over....was safer to use the router table.
    A Busy Tuesday, all-in-one .JPG
    I think this just might come in handy...working towards a Glue up on Thursday...anyone want to stop by and help out?

    Stay tuned..
    Last edited by steven c newman; 05-17-2023 at 5:17 PM.
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Front view of today's workout..
    Attachment 501441
    trying to mark how much to trim the seat slats...
    Attachment 501442
    There is a new 6' iron pipe clamp, 1/2" Iron pipe...the 3/4" iron pipe clamp was a tad short...
    Attachment 501443
    Gave it a little extra pipe...
    Managed to get one out of 6 glue joints pinned..
    Attachment 501444
    As the clamps are in the way at the other location...letting this sit a day...

    Was also test fitting the arm glue or screws, just yet.....need to get the seat slats done, and installed first
    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    FIX THE PHOTOS!!!!!!! Been through this BS way too often....

    Test drive the Bench..
    PIP Bench, Test Drive .JPG
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Connecticut Shoreline
    That looks great! Nice job! What kind of finish will you use?

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Austin, TX
    Great looking bench Steven!

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Have started to brush on/wipe off MinWax "Gunstock" stain....will have to move the bench around quite a get all the nooks & Crannies...Will post when it is all stained up....debate is whether to brush the varnish on...or rattle-can spray varnish...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Yard Sale Day, test, test, test .JPG
    Glare from the overhead lights...

    Pads for the feet...
    Yard Sale Day, Pads for feet .JPG
    Keeps the end grain feet off of the Concrete Patio....
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Bench has been stained, foot pads now sitting out on the back yard Patio..awaiting a spray on finish..

    When getting a project up out of the shop....past a floor joist that hits me right at the shoulder....Makita Sawzall to the rescue! made a notch for not only the posts in the back....even the crest rail wanted to, now I have a nice Charlie Horse in the right Calf...ouch...but...2 people were able to get the bench OUT of my shop, and onto the Patio....

    Need to re-arrange a bit in the Gazebo, before the Bench can go in...I'm whopped...almost time for a Guinness?
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Englis garden bench, awaiting varnish.JPG
    A look around in back..
    English garden bench, back of the bench.JPG
    Once the breeze dies down, I'll add a spray coat of varnish...and see how that turns out...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

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