I saw an ad on line for some free cut off from a stair company. The name of the guy posting was very Amish sounding. First an Amish person giving something away free, is unusual. So I sent a message to the guy asking for a location and arranged to meet him at his shop. When I arrived it was a typical Amish farm with n electric wires visible, laundry hanging out on the line, a few dogs roaming around. Everything painted nice. Found the shop behind all the other buildings and went in. Fist machine inside the door was a massive cnc router with a table about 5 ft x 5 ft. There was also a variety of very high end saws and machines, all major brand name and all electric. I found the gent dressed as a typical Amish man, yacking in their version of German to someone on his cell phone and typing on a computer. I could see he was downloading a program for a laser engraver. He asked me to sit for a couple minutes while he finished. He pushed a couple buttons and then we went outside where he pushed a button to start a huge generator. We went back inside and he started flipping machines on, the last being a laser engraver. Then he showed me the bin where the wood scraps are stored and told me to help myself. I asked him about learning to operate the cnc machines and laser engraver. He said he went to the local tech college to learn. He saw my puzzled look and said, I can't afford a decent farm, so I have to work with my brain. The elders permit me to have all this, but I must use a generator, I can't be connected to the power company. Till we were done, he offered to teach me how to operate my laser engraver, for a small lesson fee of course. He even sells some of the patterns he developed. In a way, he was far more open about his business than most Amish. They generally don't like to talk about their way of life.