First It was my fault, broke my rule never order on Amazon from a Chinese vender, but in this case that was cleverly hidden. Order at what looks like a good price, click. Within minutes my CC was charged. In the mean time I found the exact same diode laser from another vender at $100 less! Went back on the same day 12/21 to cancel the Amazon, nope already shipped???

The next day I get a shipping notice its going by Amazon Prime from Kent, Washington state to me here in Iowa. Seven days later its in Aurora Colorado! What is going on, well they lost the package and it was not going to make it to me on time, did I want to Cancel? Yes!!

On December 31st its headed back to Amazon via Amazon Prime, the last scan was January 2nd headed home. Last scan 10 days ago. NO Refund because the Vender has not received!!! Chats with customer service, a waste of time. Finally I tried again this time since Amazon Prime lost the package I need to file a claim with them as the carrier for a lost package. That kind of worked... on the 15th I am supposed to call/chat back and Amazon will cover the loss, we will see.

The vender was Chinese and this is common tactic, delay, delay and refuse to pay refund. I just hope I get my $450 back from Amazon!!