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Thread: Is there a forum site specifically for woodcarving?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Is there a forum site specifically for woodcarving?

    Is there a forum site specifically for woodcarving? The woodcarving posts here are far and few between. If you know of any, please post some information on them.

  2. #2
    Woodcarving Illustrated is one.

  3. #3
    There had been a really good face book forum complete with tutorials, etc. IIRC it was up to about 20,000 members and had 10 to 20 new threads a day, weekly on-line meetings etc. " BWC Beginner Wood Carvers" The guy in charge was in Australa and it got to be too much between facebook's algorhythms, milk toast facebook personnel and some bickering between members. He just suddenly turned it off. The information and posts will remain up for the time being. Another member there told me the guy running it was looking at moving to an alternative social media site. For now the page says it is "paused"

  4. #4
    Mary May woodcarving has a forum. It's not very active but attended by Mary May who is an expert. It also seems limited in style, as in very little 'carving in the round' or chip carving:

    There is also a reddit forum that seems to be active, 10+ new posts in the last day. I am not a member or participant, just checked to see if it was available:
    Last edited by Jim McCue; 01-06-2023 at 8:27 PM. Reason: added link

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    NW Indiana
    Unfortunately, due to Arthritis, I can not carve with hand tools and use a Foredom or Dremel. I frequent two Facebook places.....Dremel Art and The Power Carving Guild.

    There are MANY YouTube videos.

  6. #6 has a forum that looks active.

  7. #7
    Last edited by John S Howland; 04-20-2024 at 6:20 PM.

  8. #8
    I carve and would be glad to help if I can or refer you to web site or person that can help.
    Designed this in the 90's along with a lot fo other large project.

    Story in Wood
    The Solid Walnut and burl Armoire (photo below)
    Is a design of mine that I built in Queen Anne/Gothic revival style. A story in wood of the Arthurian myth as told by Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae and Sir Thomas Malory in his epic work, Le Morte d’Arthur.
    The lower section is about Merlin’s encounter with Uther Pendragon and the building of a castle. Arthur father Askanar hidden two dragon eggs under mountain were it was to be built. Excalibur is the sword that divides the doors and extends into the lower sections connection the two story of Arthur and Merlin. The upper section is about Arthur Camelot, as you look at each carving you can attribute them to Arthur story. The shields are for the Knights of the Round Table, columns are fore the Camelot, on the hilt of Excalibur is a lions head and a top of that is a clock for the round table, and the finials are the for the grail and the search of the pure of heart.

    Walnut .jpg

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Lancaster, Ohio
    Very nice work!
    Not what I want in my house, however I could look at it and study it for at least an hour if I had the opportunity to do so.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Goleta / Santa Barbara
    John Howland, very nice indeed.

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