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Thread: DeWalt 733

  1. #1

    DeWalt 733

    Hi friends, I have just bought a brand new Thickness Planner DeWalt 733 and was a bit unhappy with the outcome. First 50 mm ot the plate coming out of the machine had slightly different thickness then the rest. It is not really much diffference but I used to have a much cheaper planer in the past and this was never observed. So I had hoped that outcome of this famous brand will be without aby difficulties. Is there any way how to fix it?
    thank a lot in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Piercefield, NY
    The 733 hasn't been made for years, as far as I know, since the 734 came out. If that is the right number it must have been sitting somewhere unused for a long time, and maybe that's because it had some issues. I'm just guessing.

  3. #3
    Thank you for your opinion. Actually DeWalt 734 has three knife cutter head, Dewalt 733 has two knives head. That should not make a difference concerning my problem. DeWalt 733 is very widely sold in Europe, model 734 is not sold here at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Piercefield, NY
    I didn't realize it was different in Europe. I had a 733 for about 12 years that I bought secondhand and just sold this summer when it developed another problem.

    When you said a different thickness is the top of the bed higher in one spot than the rest of it? If so I would return the planer if possible. It could have gotten dropped, or just been made wrong at the factory somehow. Have you tried planing a board yet? If it planes flat then it may not matter. My first jointer had a pothole in the middle of the infeed table from something very heavy being dropped on it, at a guess. It had been repaired with epoxy but was still way out of the plane of the rest of the table. The jointer still worked fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Northeastern OK
    You described snipe perfectly. The in-feed table needs to be raised a bit and/or the board needs better support to eliminate or at least minimize the snipe affect on the first 2"/50mm of board. Same thing happens on the out-feed side if the table is a bit low or the board is long and poorly supported as it leave the machine. My 733 is notorious for this and sometimes it is simply easier to cut boards long enough to trim the snipe sections off. My 733 also tends to leave more snipe as the blades get dull.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Piercefield, NY
    Thank you Dwayne, that helps a lot. I was thinking the plate was the planer bed, but if plate refers to a piece of wood then that makes a lot more sense.

  7. #7
    I will try some adjustment of the in-feed table, thanks for your opinion

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