I would suggest that you and the neighbors cruise the farmers markets. If you see anyone selling persimmons just casually mention what has happened to yours. You are not accusing anyone, just letting people know that you have about had it with the situation. If the people at the market are growing their own I think they would be helpful. If they got them from a friend.
Back in about ‘58 or so my friends and I climbed a fence and were liberating some apples. We weren’t bagging them up or anything, just a couple apples each. The farmer happened around the corner of the hedge and gave a shout and we were off. Tommy and I made it to the fence quickly, but Billy who had polio and had a bad leg and arm was slower. Just as he was clearing the fence the farmer laced him with a load of rock salt up his legs, butt and lower back. We had to soak him in the creek while the salt dissolved. We didn’t pick any more of that guys apples.