Here's a wonderful cornucopia of eggbeater drills that I discovered at an estate sale last weekend.
It was the last day of a 3-day sale and these were still sitting on the "old tool" table, just waiting for me to discover them.



These all are in working order with some dirt and grunge.
Here's what I could identify:

Top row
1. Miller's Falls 2-speed #12
2. Goodell-Pratt Shelbourne 2-speed (no model# found)
3. Mohawk Shelbourne 2-speed (no model# found)
4. Craftsman 2-speed 107.1
5. North Bros. Yankee 1-speed 540A
Bottom row
1. Craftsman 1-speed (also marked with 107.1 huh?)
2. Goodell-Pratt (no model# found)

That Yankee has a 5-function switch that I discovered is like that on the model 1530. There are several YT videos on the 1530 describing this ratchet-selector switch to select Plain/RH/LH/RH-Double/Lock. Very cool.

Now I need to decide what I'm going to do with these. Light cleaning, Complete restore/paint, or something in between.

And a 2nd question: The Goodell-Pratt (1st row, #2) has a decal on the hub which is partially gone. Is there a good way to clean the grunge off that hub without damaging what's left of the decal?