So who ever the prior owner of my Griggio sc3200b slider was, they apparently ran the blade or something into the right edge of the sliding table a few times. It made that edge rough on almost half the length of the sliding table.

This is making it difficult for me to set up the sliding table parallel with the saw blade as I can’t very easily get my dial indicator to read perfectly throughout the travel of the table because the edge is so rough. It bounces the tip of the dial indicator and messes up my reading. Tried going really slow and it is worse that going fast.

My solution is to mill a straight edge on the aluminum sliding table on the blade side. I am thinking about using my Bosch Colt trim router with a .25” shank 1/4” straight bit and making a wide base with a fence or guide of sorts to register off the opposite side and slide all the way down the length of the table. It’s aluminum so this should work.

Any thoughts from you guys would be much appreciated.