30 May 2022

It's been a very busy week at the day job plus time in the shop this week. Bed rails are cut, routed, ledger boards glued on and ready for final sanding today. I had to take down a tree in my yard and that reminded me that I'm not 25 years old anymore!!! Stiff, sore, and tired from running my chainsaw, moving log sections, and hauling debris and limbs to my burn pile. Today, I pause to remember all those of my military brothers and sisters that gave the ultimate sacrifice for my freedoms. Now to get off here and take a buddy's trailer back to him so I can get back to working in the shop a bit today. I do have family coming over today for a family meal together, so I need to get with it.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.