Hey all, here is what I have:

  1. Two sided Trend diamond stone, 300/1000 grit
  2. 1,000 grit Ohishi water stone
  3. 3,000/10,000 grit combination Ohishi water stone
  4. DMT lapping plate for the water stones
  5. Lie-Nielsen honing guide

I love the water stones; the do dish a bit but they seem to be effective. My problem is that I have been trying to use the Trend diamond stone for reshaping the primary bevel and it is horrifically slow. So my question is does anyone have a very aggressive solution that they like? I have heard of people using the lapping plate, but that sounds like a horrible idea. I like the water stones, but anything course enough to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish is going to dish like crazy, too. It seems like a diamond stone would be the answer, but it definitely isn't the Trend combination one that I already own.

Anyone have any suggestions? Even if its way out of the box. I can't really grind because I'm an apartment dweller at the moment who uses a public workshop space.
