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Thread: Supporters of the Freedom Pens Project

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Supporters of the Freedom Pens Project

    After 18 years of running the Freedom Pens Project, Keith and I are stepping away. The project will continue under a different name - THE SGT JOE KELLY FREEDOM PEN FOUNDATION and the new administrator will be Joe Vander Linden of Louisiana. You can contact him at or through his facebook page.

    Thank you so much to everyone who has supported the Freedom Pens Project through the years either financially or by creating the beautiful pens that we have sent to our soldiers overseas. You made a difference! This would not have been possible without your help.

    Please feel free to contact Joe if you need any information and please support him as he continues to serve our service men and women. All completed pens can be sent to Joe. Email him for his address.

    Jackie Outten
    Last edited by Jackie Outten; 04-03-2022 at 3:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Kansas City, MO
    A round of grateful applause for Keith and Jackie. This has been a wonderful endeavor you have led.

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