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Thread: Day Light Savings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Virginia and Kentucky

    Day Light Savings

    Legislators have put forth a bill to keep day light savings in the USA in effect all year starting in 2023. No more changing back and forth...... Do you have any opinions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Highland MI
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    I am all for it.
    NOW you tell me...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    The Senate passed it with what amounts to a unanimous action. Hopefully, it will make it into the House agenda (there is no current bill) and it's likely to pass there, too. This is one big pet peeve that nearly everyone actually agrees on! Should it clear the house and is signed by the White House, it would take effect in about November 2023. The reason for the delay is to accommodate the transportation industry, especially airlines, which have already scheduled out a long way with the current time change scenario. They actually asked for the delay because of the huge amount of work that would be required to make changes.

    I'm 100% in favor for sure. Regardless of whatever reason(s) it originally came into be, I don't believe it really serves present day society very well at all.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Now they propose it.

    Could have done it a long time ago so I didn't have to adjust the clock on my VCR. I managed to set it once, but then forget how to, so it was wrong for half the year and it screwed up scheduled recordings.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Virginia and Kentucky
    I am in favor of it as more spring forward and fall back, well after 2023. I know Arizona and Hawaii at one point did not recognize the tradition, and even some places in Indiana did not recognize it.

  6. #6
    It'll be all fine and dandy until working people and kids notice they're driving to work and going to school in the dark during most of the winter. And what's Arizona to do, they don't even DO daylight savings time?

    I've always changed the clocks on Saturday morning. I just adjust my 'inner clock' 1/2 hour's worth on Sunday, by Monday it's like it never happened. And FWIW I work 7 days a week and have about 30 clocks to change. It's really not that big a deal!
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I'm all for getting rid of DST altogether. I'm not aware of any study anywhere that shows a benefit. I hate it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kansas City
    Didnt they do this once back in the '70s? For the energy crisis. As I recall people hated it People complained about the darkness, safety of kids, etc.
    < insert spurious quote here >

  9. #9
    I tought about the kids in the dark too, but they could just adjust school hours during the winter months to compenste I suppose.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    West central Il.
    Split the difference bump it up 1/2 hr. That will really get them going!

  11. #11
    Thousands of years of careful improvements in time keeping that took careful observation, and skill. Now it’s “ let’s pretend it’s some other
    time …ALL the time ! “. It gives making up stuff important status ! Now let’s change an IQ of 75 to….175 ! Why hold people
    back when we could make everyone a genius in such an easy manner ? I got savage mocking for understanding and enjoying “noon marks”
    and sundials !! Now it’s let’s VOTE on the time . That could make an expensive watch a useless bauble. I know this is gonna sound crazy….,but
    some of us can handle concepts like choosing a line of work and when we want to do it. I’ve heard that some people sleep during the DAY
    and go to a job at night ! That’s anti science time denial.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Modesto, CA, USA
    Alaska in winter has the highest suicide rates in the USA. Go to work in the dark. get home in the dark, get depressed. Why not share with the rest of the country. I bet the politicians think this bill will make winter days sunnier and warmer.
    Bill D

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Longview WA
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    Oregon has passed a law to stay on standard time year round. It will only take effect if California and Washington adopt similar legilation.

    It would be great if we would stick to one or the other.

    The human circadian rhythm is more in tune with standard time according to most of the articles on the subject.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Lafayette, IN
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Riddle View Post
    I am in favor of it as more spring forward and fall back, well after 2023. I know Arizona and Hawaii at one point did not recognize the tradition, and even some places in Indiana did not recognize it.
    Indiana went to DST in about ‘05. Prior to that, most of the state was EST year-round, except the NW corner and the SW corner, which are in the Central Time Zone, and I think they followed DST. If year-round DST goes full time, I hope Indiana switches to Central. We’re too far west. I hate 10:15pm fireworks on Independence Day (because that’s when it’s finally dark enough).

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  15. #15
    I was one of those kids walking to the bus stop (1/2 mile) in the dark, on our country roads with no shoulder, just a ditch. It was not fun, let me tell you.
    Light, dark, it doesn't matter, the work still needs to get done. Adjust your schedule and leave the clock alone.
    Pick one and stick with it, then people can find something else to complain about every six months.

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