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Thread: Yep...We got real snow

  1. #31
    First "real" snow here in VT - 10" of powder here in the valley, 18" reported at Mad River Glen. Headed back down below zero tonight. I feel bad for folks in the south who aren't set up for snow and ice, here it's how it's supposed to be.

  2. #32
    Feel free to send some of that snow our way. We only have about six inches on the ground here, not enough. Snow insulates the ground, and if we don't have enough the frost goes too deep and starts causing havoc, like freezing septic systems and waterlines. The snow also is important for perennials to survive the winter.

    38F for a high today, -4 for a low tonight; 40+ temp swing in 12 hours, yuck.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Waterford, PA
    Well, it stopped snowing last evening and we had about 22" on the ground. It started again around 10 this morning, and we've added 2 more inches. Just what it does in our neck of the woods.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    We ended up with close to 18" & 24+" drifts.

    I bought an AWD vehicle so I could get by without having to shovel, but, this is beyond what my little AWD Kona can get through. My wife also has an AWD Sportage, but, it can't handle this much snow either.

    My wife and the neighbor across the street are out shoveling. I tired to but - I didn't last more than 3 minutes in the cold dry air.

    Did I mention about how I hate deep snow like this? Well, I do. I hate the snow, I hate the cold. I hate that it gets dark early. I wish I really was a grumpy old bear- instead of acting like one - so I could hibernate and sleep through this...
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Somewhere in the Land of Lincoln
    I don't mind these winter events. I bundle up and go around and play good Samaritan and clean peoples drive ways for them. Feels good to help. Of course I'm using my tractor and loader and box blade but still. Shop is cozy as well so I go spend time there as well doing projects. Retirement is good. Wife wants to go south for a couple weeks and take a break. Maybe in February.

  6. #36
    eats up more time, snowblowing and shoveling fine and for neighbours as well fine. Two portable sheds 12 x 20 snow weight on them was brutal, poles bending under the weight cover stretched like crazy. I think the sun on the snow made it compact and harden up on the top of the snow likely three inches down. So inside with a broom pushing up and breaking it up and slowly off outside edges in to the peak each side. Invented a new exercise.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Cambridge Vermont
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Jenness View Post
    First "real" snow here in VT - 10" of powder here in the valley, 18" reported at Mad River Glen. Headed back down below zero tonight. I feel bad for folks in the south who aren't set up for snow and ice, here it's how it's supposed to be.
    I'm a little north of you and got about 6"last night and maybe an inch or more after I cleaned it up. Not much of a storm for me.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    Just as day follows night....

    Big snow fall - - a few days of sunshine to melt some of the snow and make it compact - - and now it's 4 degrees below zero - cold enough to make that compacted snow solid ice.

    Looks like I'll need a Bobcat to clear the end of the driveway.
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    After about 36" of snow within 48 hours, it has started to rain. Wonderful layer of water over ice covered roads in town. I'm soooooo over this crap, living in a town called "one of the snowiest towns in the America" with an average of 325" per year.

  10. #40
    We got a couple inches here in central NC on Friday. Temps were in lower twenties, which means this isn't our typical snow. Most of the time when it snows here it's right at freezing, producing a heavy wet snow. This snow was a powder. So much so, that I used leaf blower (electric) to clear both porch, steps and van.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Wrenn View Post
    We got a couple inches here in central NC on Friday. Temps were in lower twenties, which means this isn't our typical snow. Most of the time when it snows here it's right at freezing, producing a heavy wet snow. This snow was a powder. So much so, that I used leaf blower (electric) to clear both porch, steps and van.
    I picked up a Makita cordless leaf blower last fall, mostly for the four 5AH batteries. I have more hours on it blowing snow from my sidewalks and cars than blowing leaves. It is great for cleaning out the filters on my cyclone and shop vacs also.

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