What items are listed as Prime and fulfilled by Amazon that are shipped from overseas? I have never heard of Prime deliveries coming for overseas, but I sure don't know everything. There are certainly sellers on Amazon who ship from overseas.

I only have an Amazon Prime account because my parents added me to their account. I placed 49 orders with Amazon in 2021, but I would likely never pay for Prime myself. I use Amazon for stuff I can't get at local stores. Sometimes I will pay a bit more to get something from Amazon versus another website. I bought a specialized wall plate from Amazon that cost twice as much as elsewhere because I could get it quick. I almost never order anything from Amazon I can get at a local store. No groceries, TP, paper towels, etc. Yes, I will do a Google search instead of just blindly buying from Amazon. I don't like buying from EBay unless I don't need something on a definite timeframe.