24 May 2021

The LOML and I went on a short vacation with the SIL, daughter, and grandaughter to Orange Beach, AL. Was a really nice time and I even got to relax for a couple of days! Yea me!!! Still teaching my student in my shop and he's advancing well as he learns terms and what they mean. I am doing the final sanding and touch up painting on The LOML's kitchen pantry expansion that I made for her. Hopefully, I'll get that finalized this week and will post a pic. I'm ready for the rain to stop for a couple of weeks but it doesn't look like it's going to stop long enough for me to cut the grass. Oh well, I guess I can convert it all to hay and hope for the best.

I've got a couple of small projects lined up and will be ordering the lumber for those this coming week. A queen bed for my #2 son and an island top out of Ash for a customer than wants a 36x48x1.5" island top. So that's in the works this coming week.

It's back to work for me and that's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.