Or in this case, topping side down. Wish I had a picture but was a little busy. Pizza slid off the pan onto the hot oven door!

Grabbed a spatula and retrieved the pizza minus most of the toppings which were sizzling onto the door. scraped up half of them and troweled them back onto our dinner.

The cleanup was interesting, if not fun. Oven door to the driveway and hosed off, lots of cheese and vegetables still stuck. Oven cleaner did it's thing. It took off lots of burnt stuff but left some older black specks, and the cheese and veggies. Scrub scrub scrub.

The drawer went to the shop for disassemby.

The oven door stood on it's corner and took an hour to drain. Must be some insulation like fiberglass in there. It's going to the shop this morning for close inspection.

Any chemists able to explain oven cleaner?