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Thread: What finish is most similar to the "Maloof Mix"?

  1. #1

    What finish is most similar to the "Maloof Mix"?

    Currently I'm using my own homemade "Maloof" mix. It is stunningly beautiful, but also a stunning PITA given the number of coats needed to get a good protective film, and chasing down BOLO that weeps for days afterwards. I'm not looking to modify how I'm mixing the ingredients, nor buying it from Rockler, looking for an entirely different product that really "pops" the grain. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Waterlox original sealer finish. Any wiping varnish like this will do the job, but Waterlox is darker than most and I find it appealing on darker woods. Arm r seal is another great one.

    You can apply these same as the maloof mix: Wipe on and wipe all the way off. They will build faster than the maloof and will not weep after the first coat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Denver, CO
    If you’re wanting to build a protective film you’re better off with a finish like a varnish that’s meant to be left on to dry and not wiped off like Maloof mix and oil/varnish mixtures. A varnish like Waterlox isn’t meant to be wiped off (as per the instructions) even though it can’ll just build a film way slower or not at all. Wiping varnishes will be thinner so they can be wiped on but will build slower than a brush-on finish. Arm-R-Seal, Waterlox, Wipe-On Poly would all work if you want to stick with oil based.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Western PA
    Timely thread. Im a few weeks out from finishing two lowback dining chairs, and i keep noodling on the finish. When i finished my rocker a few years ago i made a thread similar to this. Collectively, everyone screamed at me to use a rubbed finish. I did, it was somewhat of a PITA, but it turned out very beautiful. However, that is a rocker and dining chairs are a different story. I absolutely want more protection on the dining chairs, and an easier finish to apply wouldnt be looked down upon either. Im eventually going to do 4-6 of these chairs, and that is an eternity of wiping, rubbing, then wiping again and rubbing more.

    Ive never used these products yet, but the Rubio/Osmo hardwax finishes have be curious. Super pricey though.

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