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Thread: to you guitar players

  1. #1

    to you guitar players

    how is it that there kids that can out play many adults and even many pros? how do they learn this stuff? Lucky my woodstove is not going tonight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Yorktown, VA
    Not the guitarist by drums.

    A lot of the young drummers on YT are simply playing a song that someone else created before them. Most of them will never go on to playing in real bands and write their own music and if they do they is only a small percentage that will make it to the Rolling Stones level of selling albums. Sure they may get the chance to get up stage at major concert and play one song on the drums correctly, but they don't have what it takes to actually create the original drum score from scratch like the original artist did.
    With YT kids can get free lessons online starting at a very young age.
    Some do play out of this world drum solos but guess what, most people on the planet are not going to buy an album with nothing but a 12 songs that are nothing but drums playing super fast without an actual song to go with it.

    Back in the day the only way to see new drum technics was to go to concerts and get up front or go to drum clinics or watch local bands or take in person lessons.

    With YT you can see the best of the best professionals at a touch of the mouse and watch thousands of videos of Alex VH, Buddy Rich, etc playing the drums and mimic their playing. Want you don't see from them are original drum solos.

    If you want to see someone playing a guitar that was trained from a young age that will blow you socks off. I think 17 at the time this was recorded:

  3. #3
    yeah familiar with her, her floyd and Gary Moore were excellent. That piece like malmsteen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Kansas City
    Its like woodworking to me. Some people just have a natural talent, good ear, sense of rhythm and hand-eye coordination. Then there are those like me who bang away at it with so-so workman-like results, never quite getting it right.

  5. #5
    Learning has become accessible to anyone with an interest. Guitarists get good by playing in their room for hours and copying masters at a young age. The youth have muscle memory, language retention, time, and audacity to think they can do it.

    I wish I were a kid again with the internet available to me, and with the wisdom I have at 50.

    I see the genius talent of these kids and am equaly amazed by the power of the internet to make it possible. It’s truly an amazing all the way round.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    NE OH
    Don't forget that the net has made it simple for the really talented to be found. There have always been really talented young players but it was a lot harder for them to build an audience and gain recognition. Not so different in the woodworking area for that matter.
    --I had my patience tested. I'm negative--

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul F Franklin View Post
    Don't forget that the net has made it simple for the really talented to be found. There have always been really talented young players but it was a lot harder for them to build an audience and gain recognition. Not so different in the woodworking area for that matter.
    Bingo. I'd argue every major metro area has at least one, probably dozens, of guitarists that are as good or better than any famous great guitarist you can think of: Page, Beck, Clapton, Prince, Lifeson, Roy Clark, Mayer, etc. When you think of all the flukes that have to go right for someone to become famous, there has to be thousands and thousands of others that never quite make it.

    Story in point, some years ago Tesla came to one of the local college towns and the guitarist for my cousin's band was backstage with them for some reason, I think it had something to do with the music store that he worked for. Anyways it comes up that he plays guitar, so they say "Hey, play us something". So he does, and they are blown away to the point that they ask him to join them on stage for a song the next night. Unfortunately for him, the logistics don't work out, so he isn't able to. The point is, there are far more great guitarists than there are famous guitarists. Youtube just makes a lot of them more accessible.

    For pianists (and violinists, and etc, and etc), this is quite familiar. There always is some four year old prodigy that outplay those of us that have been playing for decades.

    There is a YouTube video of Ariana Grande singing the national anthem at 8 years old at a Panthers hockey game. I can't even imagine having the confidence to go out in front of several thousand people at 8 years old, much less singing something as difficult as the Star Spangles Banner on top of that.

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