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Thread: My electric car has no sound ?

  1. #1

    My electric car has no sound ?

    I said years ago electric will have to have sound and there is a market for some people to get together. With an audio and car background might have been smart but in too many directions already.

    So i see this now and looks like the people that did this did an excellent job. Now a real car experience on top. No matter what sound is part of it, yeah they had a whine and this and that some of them sounded decent but just not the same.

    Well done to the guys who did this.

    McFly Technology

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Minneapolis, MN
    For a lot of people one of the attractions of electric cars is the lack of engine and drivetrain noise. They like the silence.

  3. #3
    Now what would be _really_ cool is if you could plug in your own sound loops. Like, say, from an ice cream truck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Cambridge Vermont
    I find the tires are often most of the noise a car makes. I wonder people will start to demand quieter tires?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Wayland, MA
    We have lots of electric cars around here (probably 1 in 20 at this point) and I haven't noticed them being any quieter, at least from the outside (I haven't driven one yet). Most modern cars are already so quiet that the tire noise is the primary contributor. The early fears that they would be so quiet that people would get run over because they could't hear them seem unfounded.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Dawson View Post
    Now what would be _really_ cool is if you could plug in your own sound loops. Like, say, from an ice cream truck.
    .......or Mr. Magoo!
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  7. #7
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    This will be the first Alfa Romeo that duzznt leak oil.


    My KIA Niro EV sounds like a drowning blender when backing out of the driveway. They do this so you can't sneak up on people loading their groceries.

    Count me in the camp that prefers quiet.

  8. #8
    Ill take the sound. No silent power heads for me.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger wiegand View Post
    We have lots of electric cars around here (probably 1 in 20 at this point) and I haven't noticed them being any quieter, at least from the outside (I haven't driven one yet). Most modern cars are already so quiet that the tire noise is the primary contributor. The early fears that they would be so quiet that people would get run over because they could't hear them seem unfounded.
    There is a federal law that requires quiet vehicles to emit a sound any time they travel below 18.6 MPH. The requirement went into effect in 2020.

    I think it is a little bit silly as now we will have downtowns that are like large construction sites with all the beepers going off.

  10. #10
    I have to chuckle-- many years ago, well before the internet, there was a company that made an "audio manipulator" (? for lack of a better definition) that connected to your car's stereo system and your engine's negative coil output wire (to reference engine speed), and what it did was play thru your stereo speakers, the sounds of different types of engines in perfect sync with your car's engine. So even if you were driving a Yugo your stereo could make it sound like you were driving an Indy car, or a Ferrari, or a 427 Cobra, a Fiat Spider, a V6 Buick, etc etc.., all without bothering anyone outside the car.

    The blappy racket in that video is, to the best of my hearing, meant to simulate a flat-plane crank V8 Indy car. I'm curious as to how this McFly thing will simulate a running engine while in motion since there's no 'engine speed' reference with an electric car... Computer algorithm I guess

    -and, 18.6 mph? Who came up with that number? Reminds me of a bottle of wine I saw for sale once, $910.15 -- and 15 cents??
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  11. #11
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    My Prius Prime plug-in makes a small noise up to about 15 mph to let people know you are moving. I made the dealer silence the back-up beeper which only sounds inside the car. Made me nuts, and pointless to anyone outside the car.
    Happy and Safe Turning, Don

    Woodturners make the world go ROUND!

  12. #12
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    -and, 18.[SIZE=3]6 [SIZE=2]mph? Who came up with that number?

    That's 30 Kph.
    Happy and Safe Turning, Don

    Woodturners make the world go ROUND!

  13. #13
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    I understand the Tesla is much louder inside the the competition ICE cars. So loud that many buyers refuse to buy after a test drive.
    Bil lD

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Matthews View Post
    My KIA Niro EV sounds like a drowning blender when backing out of the driveway. They do this so you can't sneak up on people loading their groceries.

    Count me in the camp that prefers quiet.
    Walking in a city in Italy a friend told me of the hazard with silent electric bikes. He said sometimes (mostly) older women drive them on pedestrian sidewalks and run into people who can't hear them coming from behind. Driving on the sidewalks is supposed to be prohibited but that doesn't stop them.

  15. #15
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    South Coastal Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
    He said sometimes (mostly) older women drive them on pedestrian sidewalks and run into people who can't hear them coming from behind. Driving on the sidewalks is supposed to be prohibited but that doesn't stop them.
    Older women running us down? Who could have guessed?

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