Had MAJOR work done on the house. New metal roof over the older Rubber roof. New boiler installed. etc.

This year, we had a leak in the same spot in the 1st floor bathroom , when there was just the rubber roof. Heat was only set at 56 degrees.. 14 inches of blown in insulation in the attic and the attic hatch is insulated with 2 one inch thick pieces of insulation board. Got the heat in the upstairs separate unit now turned down to 49 degrees. When it was leaking at 56 degrees, they knocked off 1 foot thick ice dam, that was from the edge of the roof, and went back about 2 or 3 feet.

Question ; Since the 14 inches of blown in insulation is not doing the job, and the eve vents are working, would spray foaming the attic ceiling stop the ice dams ? Attic is closed off unheated and unfinished. Front part of the roof is shingles and has 5 roof vents. They are working fine.