22 Feb 2021

Well, the weather man said that we got between 14 and 18" of snow here. We are now beginning to thaw a bit and the temps are now getting closer to freezing rather than near zero. Friday morning it was 9 degrees F here and we've been as cold as -1 F here according to my own thermometer reading.
No time in the shop this past week. Took me a while to even dig my way "to the shop" much less make a leisure stroll into the shop to work. No frozen water pipes here but we took every precaution we could to prevent frozen pipes. We've been "there" before and it was very expensive to get resolved.
I come off of oncall duty in just over 12 hours then I can get life back to normal. Here's to hoping that we continue to thaw out and life gets back to normal very soon here.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.