Hi, I am building a desk for my 6 year old daughter that is a poplar and plywood base with a cherry top. I want to do a natural looking finish for the top and was thinking of using either arm-r-seal or a hardwax oil like rubio. I know that the hardwax oil does not provide the protection that arm-r-seal does but I was thinking that when it inevitably gets damaged it will be easier to fix than the arm-r-seal.

What would yo use for a desk for a child that will surely be written on, have cups set on it, spills, scratches etc.?

What type of paint should I use for the base? I would like to paint it white and have a Wagner Flexio 2000, but wouldn't mind spraying a rattle can or brushing the finish on. Just want a finish that will look good and is durable. What would you suggest?
