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Thread: Differences Warranty coverage for the same product???

  1. #1

    Differences Warranty coverage for the same product???

    Why is it that a tool sold by an authorized Dealer , will have for example; a 2 year warranty. But that exact same tool bought directly from the manufacturer (brand new, not a used or factory 2nd) ; will only come with a 1 year warranty ? Makes no sense!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    The old pueblo in el norte.
    Often times, at least in my industry, the additional "warranty" is really a maintenance agreement buried in.

    happy in my mud hut

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Arlington, TX
    Manufacturers reward authorized dealers (that likely provide better product support) by providing incentives. An extended factory warranty is one such incentive.

    Such differences in price and services need to be examined before purchasing, to get the "best deal" (all things considered) for each individual customer.

    -- Andy - Arlington TX

  4. #4
    My CC automatically doubles warranty for up to one year, so the one year one is now a two year. I hit this at Walmart buying car batteries. My van uses a group 65. In the economy brand , it had a one year free replacement warranty ($49.99.) In the two year ($79.99) it comes with a two year replacement warranty. Batteries are 650 CCA, built Exide, and weigh the exact same (42.5 pounds,) which tells me they are the same battery, and I'm paying for the second year of warranty. Rural King also carries same battery (based upon weight and CCA) for $59.99, with a five year pro rated warranty. Right now we are in year four on a one year battery from Autozone.

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