Quote Originally Posted by Bill Dufour View Post
I bet it wasn't really that hot. Probably below 100 there. The box stores were counting people in and out with limits on how many inside at any time before masks were required. Now with all indoor public spaces masks are required and they no longer count folks in and out. I went to othe rstore sand came back if the line was too long. and it was over 100 that day. It was over 100 most days in late June and July so far.
Your location show California which is usually very dry and has low dew points. Dew point was in the 70s here on Saturday with a temperature of 90 degrees. I was outside for less than five minutes in long pants and my shirt was soaked with sweat when I came in. (Long pants because I always wear long pants when working in my basement shop.)

I would much rather be outside in dry 100 degree heat than in humid 90 degree heat. The problem with Minnesota is for more than half the year it is either too hot or too cold to do much outside.