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Thread: Dye dried unevenly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Central, PA

    Dye dried unevenly

    Using Jeff Jewitt’s Mission Oak finish. In some areas the dye dried unevenly. Suggestions would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Ed, the best way to test out the finishing schedule is to attempt it to completion on some sample boards. The reason I mention this, is most dyes look pretty scary after they dry, nothing like what they look like when wet. The reason for this is dyes typically have no binder, that’s how you can use a rag wetted with water (for a water based dye) to remove the dye.

    So if you attempted the finishing schedule on some sample boards and it looked good, sometimes you just need to trust the schedule that was tested on the sample boards..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Shoreline, CT
    What brand of dye did you use, and how did you apply it. Generally I prefer to flood the dye on with a sponge and use a merely damp sponge to remove puddles With most true dyes you can use the solvent (i like water) and re-wet the dye to even it up as long as no top coat has been applied.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    The first time I used this method I was shocked by how the dye looked after drying. Relax. Once you put the gel stain on over the top all the dye does is add some color to the ray flecks. Robert makes a good suggestion. Take a test piece all the way through the schedule. You’ll be fine.
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