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Thread: 1/4" Robert Sorby #842Glh Gold Bowl Gouge

  1. #1

    1/4" Robert Sorby #842Glh Gold Bowl Gouge

    Does that Gouge cut any better than the Standard Sorby Bowl Gouge ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Peoria, IL
    Cut any better? All tools cut well when they are very sharp and used properly. What are you hoping to gain with the new tool?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Coers View Post
    Cut any better? All tools cut well when they are very sharp and used properly. What are you hoping to gain with the new tool?

    Should have said Does it hold an edge as well as the regular Sorby HSS Turning tools.

  4. #4
    As I recall, Sorby’s standard tools are M2 HSS. That is one of the lowest grades of HSS as far as holding an edge. There are far better tools for the money IMO.

    Left click my name for homepage link.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by John Keeton View Post
    As I recall, Sorby’s standard tools are M2 HSS. That is one of the lowest grades of HSS as far as holding an edge. There are far better tools for the money IMO.
    John, I'm not a turner . But I've used Sorby chisels ,and like many others found them to be too soft. Yes ,there are some
    steels a little better than M-2. But the real problem is some dealers of planer knives and such sell the lowest grade of steel as "M2". They have told me they do it because the stuff "has same hardness as M2" . "And it's common in the biz"
    It's nothing like M2. But once
    something gets standardized by repetition , dealers feel free to talk to you in the "common accepted usage". Honest M2
    is a much better steel than ,kinda like M2.

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