Hi - just finished a piece of furniture for the house so now I can build something for the shop! I’ve got 72 of these Akron plastic Bins - 4” wide by 3” tall by 5” deep. Seems simple enough....I plan for 4 per row and 18 rows. So it’s about 62” tall and I’m thinking 3/4” ply for the cabinet with a 3/4” divider at row 6 and 12. The rest of the rows and the back panel will be 1/4” ply fitted into dados In side panels.

im looking around the inter webs for what other people do and all I’m seeing is metal frames for this number of boxes. Gives me pause if I may be underestimating the weight and structure needed here. Worst case scenario each bin would hold 2lbs - so 144 lbs total. I used the saggolator and the 1/4” is just fine for each row.

think I’m ok with my plans for 3/4” ply cabinet for this purpose?