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Thread: I hope this data is wrong

  1. #46
    To Mr. Beck's (and others) suggestion that everyone over 50 should just go to work and get sick and die if necessary to save the economy for our children, all I have to say is: --You First...

    As to masks, and 'marginally' effective...

    First- While a .44 magnum might be 'very effective' at getting rid of a mountain lion in my face, a 'marginally effective 6" knife WOULD BE better than nothing...
    Second- all the medicians are saying that
    (a) masks are more effective at keeping an infected person from spreading the virus than keeping an uninfected person from getting it, and
    (b), there's are a LOT of people infected who don't know it...

    So-- can someone explain to me why it's a bad idea to wear a mask, OTHER than the fact that it's preferable that a medical professional be wearing your mask than you?

    Marginal protection is better than no protection, and I just found out one of my granddaughter's 10 year old-ish cousin is postive--she got it from her therapist, who didn't know SHE had it. The more masked people I see, the better IMO...

    I DO advocate for using home-made masks and donating the good ones if you have 'em. Anyone with old sheets and a pair of scissors can make the whole family masks in a few minutes
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
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  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kev Williams View Post
    ... So-- can someone explain to me why it's a bad idea to wear a mask, OTHER than the fact that it's preferable that a medical professional be wearing your mask than you? ...
    News says CDC will be reevaluating, so this may be old thinking now, or soon, but:

    The expert (don't remember who, a Prof or Researcher from a local university, we have a few good ones around here) said the risk of using masks is it makes you touch your face more. You at least need to put the mask on and remove it. Without care, and probably some training, you are likely to get any virus on your hands on to your face. Get any of it, directly or with the mask rubbing around, into your eyes or nose and you're on your way to sick. They also said studies how shown most people mess with the mask and actually are touching their faces more often with one. At the time of the interview it was believed most transmission was due to large droplets the don't hang in the air, but rather are directly coughed into your face or carried there by your hands from hard surfaces (hence the hand washing.) This is why they are already recommending mask if you show any symptoms, e.g. coughing.

    As their understanding grows the data may support changes, it was already a close call (see my previous post.) Of course, it doesn't matter unless there are suitable masks available. (Or materials to make them. Here fabric stores aren't "essential" and are closed.)

  3. #48
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    Exclamation Warning - STOP the politics!!

    I have deleted a few posts that were political in nature. Everyone here knows the rules. Enough said.

    “You never know what you got til it's gone!”
    Please don’t let that happen!
    Become a financial Contributor today!

  4. #49
    hit the first hundred thousand cases in the US on 2-26-2020. Will hit the 200,000 mark this afternoon (4-1-2020) Will hit 300,000 on April 4 or 5, 2020. per the current rates of infection according to the Johns Hopkins "Corona Clock"

  5. #50
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    I think the use of masks comes down to good habit. I see people wearing masks, but I also see people adjusting the masks several time or moving it down or up. Those common type of masks aren't design for that type of abuse. I see people driving with mask on. They should be disposed of. Touching everything with gloves and than driving with it on. Any contamination
    has been transferred.
    It come down to lack of training and getting use to it. It like using safety glass for me. Cheap safety glasses or dust masks are uncomfortable and I adjust them constantly. Worst it took a while to get into the habit of wearing them, but an upgrade to better fitting PPE made it easier.

  6. #51
    I don’t quite understand how these things/process are not intuitive to people.

    Seems so obveous but I guess it’s not.

    Talking with a family member yesterday and he told me he had to explain to his wife that wearing the gloves she wore in the store driving home in the care defeats the purpose lol. Like I just don’t get it how can someone miss that you’d have to have to well special. Well she is so but that means a huge percentage of the population lacks basic common sense. Well I guess you don’t want to be so negative and think that’s the case but I think it really might be.

    But then he tells me ‘they” referring his wife and 15 year old daughter. That he had to tell them both and explain to shop as little as possible as apposed to every few days. The fact he also missed the part about his daughter going to the store ”stupid” but got the gloves thing makes one understand that people miss the most basic obvious stuff.

    I use gloves to unpack my groceries but I touch nothing but the groceries and bags they came in. I get everything setup prior so I don’t have to touch a dam thing with my dirty hands but those bags. They all get stacked on one side of the counter while they each get sterilized in the sink then placed on a towel on the other side of the sink and dried. The gloves get changed like 300 times throughout this. Then “with gloves on all surfaces/doorknobs/floors get disinfected and cleaned. Then strip clothes into a hot wash and make my way right to the shower. Sterilize hands that are gonna clean the rest of my body first “obviously” all the while not touching the face till they are. And even then I wash my face last.

    It’s a bit ocd but my point is it seems so obvious like how does everyone not get it. Guess the same people are out playing basketball and or ignoring the shelter I place as “don’t leave the dam house” unless it’s on fire! So really I should be able to understand that people don’t understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Nguyen View Post
    I think the use of masks comes down to good habit. I see people wearing masks, but I also see people adjusting the masks several time or moving it down or up. Those common type of masks aren't design for that type of abuse. I see people driving with mask on. They should be disposed of. Touching everything with gloves and than driving with it on. Any contamination
    has been transferred.
    It come down to lack of training and getting use to it. It like using safety glass for me. Cheap safety glasses or dust masks are uncomfortable and I adjust them constantly. Worst it took a while to get into the habit of wearing them, but an upgrade to better fitting PPE made it easier.
    Last edited by Patrick Walsh; 04-01-2020 at 9:05 AM.

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Bolton View Post
    *COUGH* If your one of the hundredth of.a percentile that hasn't realized that Glenn Beck was destined to be the next branch dividian leader or Jim Jones... I feel for you. The guy has.been exiled for very solid reasons. I'm mind blown that he still has deciples. The mere fact that everyone on his show is programmed to speak like him, with the same cadence and radio/tv speak as him... is utterly horrifying. The guy is the epitome of a megalomaniac.
    Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but that feels a whole lot more like a personal attack than a comment on the suggestion for massive testing as other countries have done. That is the stuff that will get discussions shut down. You know there is an option to delete your comments?

    And now it looks like the CDC may reverse its position on masks. And it takes an n-95 to filter out the virus. Good luck finding those anytime soon.
    Last edited by Ole Anderson; 04-01-2020 at 10:16 AM.
    NOW you tell me...

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Ole Anderson View Post
    but that feels a whole lot more like a personal attack
    Youve got to be kidding. My oh my.

  9. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Ole Anderson View Post

    And now it looks like the CDC may reverse its position on masks. And it takes an n-95 to filter out the virus. Good luck finding those anytime soon.
    Yes, I think we're going to reverse course on the mask advice in the US.
    In hindsight, I guess we shouldn't be surprised that face masks might only help reduce the spread of a respiratory illness.

    Taiwan is producing a surplus of masks, and is proposing to send them to the US and others under their foreign aid program. S. Korea may do the same.

    The alarm bell has been ringing for a while, so I would hope at some point our own manufacturing chain will be able to meet or exceed our needs.
    Last edited by Edwin Santos; 04-01-2020 at 11:34 AM.

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perry Hilbert Jr View Post
    hit the first hundred thousand cases in the US on 2-26-2020. Will hit the 200,000 mark this afternoon (4-1-2020) Will hit 300,000 on April 4 or 5, 2020. per the current rates of infection according to the Johns Hopkins "Corona Clock"
    For those who haven't found it, the Johns Hopkins site is here:
    Click on the country name at the left then the state in that list, then the arrows at the bottom of that column for the counties. Can zoom into the map and click on the red dots for specific locations but some of the dots are tiny and hard to see. You can expand any window, for example the one for the graph in the lower right.

    I see our local farmer's co-op got in a shipment of 1/2 face respirators with various cartridge filters. I see you can no longer buy them on Amazon.


  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Schlumpf View Post
    I have deleted a few posts that were political in nature. Everyone here knows the rules. Enough said.
    Just go ahead and close it...…..unfortunately there are some that cannot resist forcing their opinion on others in a negative fashion.

  12. #57
    no, let's not close it this thread, just remove rule-breaking text. I for one like the mask opinions and debating, I like to see everyone's perspectives. Most of us are being nice

    That said, here's another perspective of mine: Masks and touching. Me, I have a mustache, and there's always an errant hair causing a nose itch, so I touch my nose & face a lot during the day. Wearing a mask will make me aware that I AM about to touch my face. From my perspective, that's a good thing. I haven't begun wearing one yet, but I haven't been in public for about 10 days now. But I need to hit the grocery store for milk & eggs & bread so I WILL be wearing next time I leave. For several weeks now, when I do leave I wear my nitrile gloves, and take a small bottle of hand sanitizer with. I sani the cart, I sani the gloves after every 3 or 4 things put in the cart, before I scratch my nose , before I check out, after I check out, and before I get in the van. I sani when I get home, then remove the 'gear'...

    Nice thing about nitrile gloves, just a teeensy bit of sanitizer will completely cover the gloves, and takes awhile to evap so you have time to scrub good.

    Before I begin wearing a home-made mask, it will be sprayed with a bleach/water solution and Lysol'd. And if I need to scratch my nose or adjust the mask, I'll sani the gloves first.

    If I'm worried about anything, it's my eyes. Been thinking of making some foam 'fillers' for an old pair of glasses...
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
    FOUR - CO2 lasers
    THREE- make that FOUR now - fiber lasers
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    CASmate, Corel, Gravostyle

  13. #58

  14. #59
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    Well, the good news is that we are at about the 24 day mark, and instead of 10 million cases we are still under a million.

    Hope everyone stays safe.

  15. #60
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    I'm hoping for a widely available antibody test soon. People who have developed immunity should be able to go back to their jobs without endangering others. I've heard of a couple studies in California that indicate infections are MUCH more common than previously estimated so serious/life threatening infections per 1,000 people is much lower than projected. I have no idea if those studies are legitimate or representative of larger populations. We need larger samples rather than small samples with lots of SWAGs derived from those small samples.

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