Just got a text from Verizon. They are boosting my data from 2 to 17GB a month at no charge until the end of April. I assume this is a virus related promotion. Allows us to use video chat, stream. movies etc on the phone for free. Get us hooked while they have a captive audience.
After the quarantine is over they hope we will be hooked and gladly pay them extra every month for the rest of our lives. Makes them out to be a caring responsible company and is a great marketing tool.
Makes me wonder why Amazon does not offer free prime service for the duration, free net flicks, free apple tv, etc for the duration. Maybe offer a free one month upgrade to the premium package during the duration. Give a free one month extension to the existing premium customers.
Advertisers dream is to market to a captive audience and not that they have one they are doing nothing special. Even my local paper has lifted the paid firewall for corona stories, of course that includes adds to go along with the story.
Bill D