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Thread: Self Isolation

  1. #1

    Self Isolation

    I know some of us are in self isolation. That is to be expected and I would think necessary with the age of woodworkers tending towards the end of the roll instead of the beginning.

    My question is how many are at a minimum social distancing, how much support do you have, those of us still working, do you have support of your company/job? My next thought is many of us live close to other woodworkers, it might be good to know who is close and what their circumstances are.

    I'll start. I live on the West side of Tucson and I'm still working but my employer at this time is still paying me while both my wife and I are self quarantining and will for the duration.

    We will help anyone in need if able.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Columbus, Ohio, USA
    Minimizing connections. Entire state of Ohio is in a stay at home order (except to get things like drugs and groceries). I am working a project that gives me the ability to go in to work, but I am trying hard to NOT go into work even though it would be easier if I brought my work laptop home rather than using a VDI (connecting to a remote virtual machine) for everything.

    No play dates for the kids (even though we were asked to do so), just avoiding people in general.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Goleta / Santa Barbara
    Central coast of California; stay at home order.
    For past 42 years wife has questioned (I’m being polite) my sense of humor - no change there, much to her disappointment.
    Viewing this as a dry run to see what retirement would be like; she thinks i should go back to work soon . . . .
    Concerned because one daughter and 2 sons-in-law work in essential services, but they all have kids at home and concerned about bringing something home.
    Stay safe guys, we will come thru this together.
    I find Gov. Cuomo’s morning briefings to be informative, thoughtful, candid and helpful in keeping everything in perspective.
    Watching the situation in Italy scares the hell out of me, especially as we model the Italian curve . . .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Longview WA
    Blog Entries
    Mentioned to Candy the other day about going on an "eat yourself out of house and home diet." She didn't like the idea. We will likely not change things a whole lot since we only go off the property a few times a week. Now likely to change that to once a week. May even try to stretch that some.

    Our state and local officials are shutting down common gathering places to help stop the spread of covid-19. It might also be good idea to shut down all the lotteries to keep people who feel a need to go out and buy their 'winning tickets' home.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  5. #5
    Southern California, below LA. We're only going out to the grocery store or some other required trip. Otherwise we're home. I do walk the dog a couple of times each day.

    I'm doing some simple woodworking things. Built some lazy susans for us and a couple of friends from scrap wood I had in the shop. Here's one of avocado wood. We had to take an old tree down and it cut and dried some of the wood.

    Then, one of olive wood. Same thing - had to take an olive tree down and saved some of the wood.

    And one of walnut - just scrap from the shop.

    Last edited by Mike Henderson; 03-23-2020 at 3:59 PM.
    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    NE OH
    Richfield OH. I'm retired so no issue with job, although I have been teaching one class at CWRU each year. For scheduling reasons I did not teach this semester, and as it turns out that was lucky. No idea what will happen in the fall. My class is heavily lab based so not practical to do it online. My wife teaches at CWRU also, and they are essentially shut down with all teaching/meetings, etc, online. Fortunately, she has experience doing that so it has not been a big burden. But she teaches midwifery and advanced practice nurses and all internships have been cancelled for immediate future. Her students can't graduate without quite a few hours of internship, so students are obviously stressed out by the whole situation. The university (and all of them I'm sure) is scrambling to meet the huge challenge.

    We are self isolating and were even before the governor's order. We go out to walk the dog twice a day but avoid any contact with other folks or dogs while doing so, and I make one trip to grocery store per week. So far what shortages there are have not been a problem for us. We always mostly cooked at home and continue to do so. We will try to order one take out meal a week or so to try to keep the local restaurants going as well as we can. I can't tell how much I am looking forward to slightly warmer weather and being able to grill outside again.

    I have family in the area and I am assuming our usual family get together at Easter will be put off as sad as that will be. Several family members are front line medical folks and I don't think it's wise for us or them to gather together.

    My wife has organized a weekly video conference via Zoom with many of her family members, which are spread out across the country, and that's working out very well for them; may do it with my family as well.

    We had a trip to Ireland planned for July. While we haven't officially cancelled it at this time, I can't imagine it will happen. We have some time yet to cancel and still get our deposit back, so will let the plans ride for a bit yet.

    Neither of us is too worried about going stir crazy. Both of us have always had more interests than we have time for, and there is always something that needs cleaned or fixed if we get really desperate. And of course, the outside chores will be starting soon.

    I too offer help to any local creekers in need as long as it can be done safely.
    --I had my patience tested. I'm negative--

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Northern Indiana. The Governor just issued a stay at home order. My bride and I are working from home for a couple weeks at least. Thank goodness we have jobs and the connectivity that make that possible.

    Grocery shopping has been a bit of an adventure but we're good. We could both miss a meal and be OK
    Sharp solves all manner of problems.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    Professor Dr. SWMBO will be teaching her spring class remotely. The Princess (AKA younger daughter) has her entire semester classes either online using video conferencing or "regular online", depending on the class. She still has work hours back-of-house at the restaurant she works at in an isolated office (accounting work) which is important because it's also her internship for school. They tried to figure out how she might do this at home, but having the data at hand is the issue as is security for things like payroll...small company that doesn't have big-company infrastructure. Her front-of-house hours are obviously gone because the restaurant is now takeout/delivery only. She still sees her boyfriend (serious relationship) but they are not mingling with others. Older daughter is working in a food market and still has her hours, but got a $1.50 an hour raise as of yesterday plus 30% purchases plus free hot meals. I'm at home full time anyway, but only doing minimal client work to support ETSY customers (permitted by PA) and for one CNC client for whom I have inventory of material and am shipping to him on his nickel. We are not going out anywhere other than the pharmacy and for food. For the latter, we are now only having one of us go on a trip, too, in support of "concurrent customer limitations" within the stores. So there's normal meals...some extra house cleaning...and being a total slave to a cockatiel who has demands and opinions.

    I'm not going to get all stressed's counterproductive. If one or more of us comes down with the virus, we'll deal with it in whatever way is appropriate.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    3 weeks ago today, my wife and I returned from 3 weeks of traveling by air. In the last 9 of those days we were in the following airports in this order : Phoenix, LAX, Long Beach, PHX, PHX, FAT, FAT, LAX, SLC, LWS. Hearing the news the morning after we returned, I did self quarantine for 2 weeks. I didn't attend the local WW clubs monthly meeting for their sake, not mine

    Our youngest son and his wife are in the middle of divorcing. The DIL, a pharmacist at 2 hospitals, has sole custody of their 3 kids (twin 10 yo, 7 yo). 2 weeks ago when I saw schools in CA starting to close I suggested to the wife she might want to consider returning to CA to watch those 3 kids. She volunteered and the DIL accepted her offer. Sunday a week ago my wife flew to PHX spending the night with our daughter and SIL. Monday she flew to Fresno and took a shuttle to Visalia. The school district closed the schools that Monday morning. So, my wife is in CA for the duration. My wife traveled wearing one of the paper masks I had bought for those 3 grandkids to wear when they come to spend the summer with us. They like to woodwork. I bought a children's face shield and a masks to wear under the face shield when they are sanding.

    In fact, 10 days ago I created another "Pawpaw's vacation" for those 3 grandkids. Last summer my vacation involved taking the 3 along with my wife to a tour of Yellowstone. I tried to pull one off in Glacier this year but couldn't get the Red Bus Tour. So, I created a trip where we'd meet in Vegas, the 3 grandkids, my wife and I would travel to Moab, UT where we have guided tours scheduled of Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park. This last tour is a 4x4 tour. My wife is a little nervous about that one. I have all the motels in the entire route reserved.

    Last Friday, I drove to our favorite restaurant. I ordered a takeout order and consumed a 20 oz. Dos Equis Amber while I waited. I talked with one of the owners about the slowdown in business. In this town, if a restaurant isn't swamped on Friday nights, it's not going to be in business long. For the first time ever, in the 20 years they have been in the area, the parking lot was vacant. I asked Alfonso was business down, he said "Significantly!" I asked if takeout was up he answered "Significantly!". He then said "I don't blame people and we are just trying to hang on." This family owns 2 Mexican restaurants in town and I would bet they employ 20-30 people between those 2 establishments.

    I am at our home in Idaho. This morning I attended an optometrist appointment I made 5 weeks ago. Tomorrow, I will go shopping at several stores during "Senior Hours" including a Winco and Costco.

    I am not afraid or scared but am being cautious.

    I will be paying attention to the 6-8 feet rule. But, it's a new idea and will take some practice to become proficient at it. I have some Clorox wipes and plan to put a couple in a freezer bag to use to wipe down cart handles before and after I use a shopping cart.
    Last edited by Ken Fitzgerald; 03-23-2020 at 6:11 PM.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  10. #10
    I’m working from home now for a full week.

    Reacted about two weeks ago now. I first stopped even stopping to get my morning coffee and instead started making And taking it to work. I’d work my 8 hrs then go straight home.

    I also immediately started ordering all my groceries.

    I have them left on my front porch. I then put on rubber gloves and wipe everything with Clorox wipes. I put everything into a plastic container and then wash everything I can in the sink with soap and water. After I clean any door knobs faucets whatever wearing fresh clean gloves at every step. I then strip at the washer machine and wash on hot water. I then slather down head to toe with rubbing alcohol. I then make my way to the shower. I then wash those towels.

    I’m getting kinda annoyed watching my neighbors “many teachers” and home for weeks now congregate outside with their kids socializing.

    I haven’t left my 5600 sq ft of property in over a week now. I’m not cut out to handle this financially more than anyone else expect the poor. but I see it as the bare minimum I can do. I have been through hard times in my life and know sometimes it feels like everything will be taken away and your going to loose it all. The facts are you gotta really screw up bad and burn a poop ton of bridges to be left out in the cold for real.

    I see it this way, all that matters is don’t get sick and your can’t get another sick. That pretty much seems obveous and the least we all could do.

    I’ll keep doing this till this is really over.

    Doing anything less is totally irresponsible but do as you will and I’ll do I need to sleep at night.

    I understand some just can not do this. But the facts are most all of us can. The people checking out the cherry blossoms in our capital or walking battery park shoulder to shoulder well you clearly get how I feel about that.

    The question was asked what am I doing. I’m doing everything I possibly can within my control and that pretty much means don’t leave the dam house unless it’s on fire.
    Last edited by Patrick Walsh; 03-23-2020 at 6:35 PM.

  11. #11
    It’s a part time job but yes.

    Gots play a stupid game of what they deliver and then hunt for what you need.

    Never ordered any of the crap I see neighbors order, diapers, groceries you name it. I have looked out my window for years asking my head thinking “you lazy pampered sob’s” but as of last week I’m a Amazon prime member. Whole Foods delivers free. stop and shop pee pod not free but less expensive than gas my time and yours and my health.

    Ordered a pile of crap from Amazon today I need for work. Contrary to the other thread my stuff is all one to two days out. One item is a month out.

    Sure I’ll eat my worlds and non of it will show for weeks and the next time I go to order groceries I’ll be screwed!

    Quote Originally Posted by mike stenson View Post
    You can order groceries? We can't. I mean, it's an option... but delivery dates are never available.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Wayland, MA
    Boston suburbs. Retired so work is not an issue, our son just got laid off as the HVAC/electrical/alarm company he works for shut down and laid off all the employees. Our daughter is working 80 hours a week on the air desk at a large travel/tour company. We expect her to be laid off as soon as the cancellation/rescheduling rush is over. We're going out maybe once a week for food, there are multiple cases in our little town.

    As a long time infectious disease researcher I take it very seriously. I'm frustrated beyond belief at the incredible failure to implement sensible testing measures, leaving us pretty well in the dark about what's really happening and the utter incompetence that has lead us to squander months of potential lead time such that we have hundreds of folks now making makeshift masks for doctors and nurses out of old bedsheets.

    My son flew home from Asia last week. No one took his temperature getting onto or off of the airplane, no one asked if he had been in contact with people who were sick, no one suggested he should self-quarantine (though he is of his own volition). How do we hope to contain this if we aren't doing even the most rudimentary things?

  13. #13
    Roger I live the next town over in Natick.

    How are you keeping track of your confirmed cases in your home town.

    Ill probably be laid off by the end of this myself. And being a guy in the Boston area that makes north of $30 an hour but far south of $40 it will hurt and hurt bad. All I can count on is this organ has to be built and the next on the books so maybe I’m safe.

    This organ is to be installed in a church in Shoreline Washington state literally right around the corner from Kirkland. I’ll be dammed if I go anywhere near that place or travel anywhere until this is proven to be completely behind us.

    Pretty sure that will guarantee I ultimately don’t have a job. But you never know. Hopefully the boss co workers and the recipient of the organ take this as serious as I do.
    Last edited by Patrick Walsh; 03-23-2020 at 8:06 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    United Kingdom - Devon
    The UK has just gone into a severe lockdown. As a family we have been self isolating because a week ago our Daughter came out with a fever and cough. No way of knowing if it's Covid-19 as no testing is provided unless you end up in hospital.

    Thankfully she is recovering well but we were concered. I've been working from home but we're looking to put the family business on hold after the Prime Ministers address tonight.

    I would like to think I get some woodworking done during this unusual time, however I think it likely there will be a ton of others jobs that need my attention.

    Hope you all stay safe, well and we all come out the other side. Ken, thanks for starting the thread.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Gloucester, MA
    I'm in Gloucester Massachusetts. I work in residential construction. I worked today, was told to come in tomorrow and tie up as many loose ends as possible, take down all staging and bring the equipment back to the shop. We'll be shut down for at last two weeks. The job I'm on is an age in place job for an elderly man so I really can't complain.

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